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Colchester in Bloom - WINNERS!

On Wednesday 23rd September, Mrs. Watts and Mrs. Terrell had the pleasure of accompanying six of our pupils to a very special ceremony at the Moot Hall in Colchester. It was the awards ceremony for the ‘Colchester in Bloom’ competition that we took part in during the Summer Term. We were the winners of the ‘Hanging Gardens of Colchester’ category and we were also commended in the schools’ category. We received two lovely certificates which we will hang with pride in school.

The pupils representing our school had a very enjoyable evening and were fabulous ambassadors for our school.

Many thanks to everyone who helped us to do so well by donating plants, baskets and seeds last term. We hope you enjoy looking at the photos too. (You can find them on the 'Gallery' page on the 'Children' tab.)
