Beech Class
Welcome to Beech Class
Classteacher: Miss A. Lee
Beech Class Year 3
Sports Day Part 2
The children had a lovely morning competing in their flat races and relay races. They showed excellent team spirit and enjoyed cheering their classmates on.
Sports Day 2021
Sports Day 2021
Friday 7th May 2021
The children have been working really hard on a range of printing and etching techniques. They used these to create some absolutely fantastic artwork inspired by our text, The Butterfly Lion'. I am really proud of how hard the children worked and have taken some photos so that you can see just how well they have all done.
The Butterfly Lion
Friday 23rd April
What an amazing day!
The children have been the most incredible detectives! We received an email from the Crime Editor at the Gazette asking for our help in locating some stolen jewels. He notified us that a man and a vicious looking dog had been seen around our school on Thursday evening and that they were believed to be connected to a missing haul of stolen jewels. We explored the school grounds and found so much evidence and then... incredibly... we found an old metal chest filled with jewels! Miss Griggs has passed all of this information on and the jewels will be returned to their rightful owners. Well done, children. You were fantastic.
Beech Class detectives
What a half term! I hope you all have a lovely break.
Below, I have attached some examples of identifying unit and non-unit fractions of a whole and of amounts.
Friday 12th March 2021
What a lovely week we have had! The children have settled back into school brilliantly and it really does feel as though they have never been away.
We have been working hard learning our new model text- How to Cook a Rainbow. The children have text mapped this and have all brought home a copy (along with a a copy of the model text) so that they can practise this over the next few days. They will be retelling this on Tuesday so please support them in learning this.
We had a lovely lesson on conductors and insulators and the children were able to test different materials in a circuit to see if electricity passed through them.
Beech Wildspark displays
Friday 27th November 2020
This week Beech class have been working hard on solving addition and subtraction calculations with and without bridging. I have included a couple of photographs to demonstrate some of the written methods that the children have been encouraged to use to help them work out the answer. We have also been reminding ourselves about the place value of four digit numbers as well as how many tens make 100 or hundreds make one thousand to help us with exchanging. We will continue to work on this next week.
Please continue to rehearse multiplication facts for the 8x table, as we are finding this a little tricky.
Written methods for addition and subtraction calculations
Knowledge Organiser Summer Term 2021
Knowledge Organiser Spring Term 2021
Knowledge Organiser for the Autumn Term
Having spoken to a number of parents about suitable texts which your child may like to read at home, I have attached a list of books which are ideal for this year group. There are some fantastic books on the list so please take a look.