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Birch Class

Welcome to Birch Class

Classteacher: Mrs. H. Love

This week, we have enjoyed the story:



We have been working so hard on writing captions and sentences about Bob.  The children are starting to think very carefully about how we write our letters.  The picture below shows how we encourage the children to form the letters - see if they can have a go at writing names and captions at home, starting on the dot and using the correct formation.  


Number Bingo!

Children in Need

Text Maps



We are learning to master our maths skills, to help us truly understand the concepts of maths.  Numberblocks is a fantastic programme that supports this and you can often get great resources in the CBeebies magazines!


Wish your child would say more than "nothing" when you ask about their day? Try using these sneaky questions when you chat to them (borrowed from a parenting blog...too good not to share!).


Ever wonder which skills your children are learning through play?  Here is a link that you might find interesting:


Learning Journey 'At Home My Child Has...' Notes - print them from here!

Phase 3 sounds taught in Reception Spring 1

This Phase 3 sounds taught in Reception Spring 1 video is designed to be shared with families to help them support the learning at home. Little Wandle Letter...

Knowledge Organiser - Summer 1
