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Sycamore Class

Welcome to Sycamore Class

Classteacher: Mrs. S. Skinner

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs. M. Southgate

Mrs. C. Osman (KS1 & KS2 HLTA)

Miss T. Leggett

A message from Mrs Skinner

Still image for this video

Message to Sycamore Class 20.7.20


Hello Sycamore class,

I hope this message finds you all well. As the school year draws to a close, I would like to thank all the wonderful children in my class for a lovely year. Sadly, our time was cut short, but we had lots of fun times and I know you will have a fantastic time in your new class. I feel very privileged to have worked with such a well mannered and hardworking group of children. Miss Leggett wishes you all the very best in Year 2 and she is looking forward to seeing you around school in September.

Have a wonderful summer and make lots of special memories with your family.

Stay safe and as always be very good children for your adults.

I will miss you,

Love from Mrs Skinner x


Week beginning 13th July 2020


Dear Sycamore class,


What a wet week it has been, the weather has really helped Mrs Skinner’s plants to grow though. My sunflowers and tomato plants are getting very tall now. I hope you have all had a lovely week and you have enjoyed exploring trees as part of our project. We have had lots of fun drawing ‘evergreen’ and ‘deciduous’ trees and carrying out leaf rubbings in school. Miss Leggett has really enjoyed helping our ‘bubble’ to create posters about their favourite insects.

As the school year begins to draw to a close, I have been reflecting on the time I have had with Sycamore class. I have lots of lovely memories of my wonderful class and I am sad that our time was cut short, however I know how much you will enjoy your new teacher next year. Thank you also to the wonderful parents for all your support and making it such a memorable year.


Love from

Mrs Skinner x



Week beginning Monday 6th July 2020

Week beginning Monday 29th June 2020

Dear Sycamore class,

I hope you are all enjoying the lovely sunshine and have had fun completing the activities this week. Miss Leggett has been working hard to create some beautiful displays in Sycamore class. We have enjoyed ‘Insect week’ and have learned lots of interesting facts about ladybirds. Emily thank you very much for your lovely pictures. I am delighted to hear how much you are enjoying completing your project about rabbits. It was lovely to hear about your trip to Portsmouth too. 

Mrs Skinner is very excited as she has bought her first tent and is very much looking forward to some camping holidays in the summer. Miss Leggett has enjoyed time visiting her Nanna and spending quality time with her Mum.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the nice weather while it lasts.

Love from Mrs Skinner x

Daily maths activities

Week beginning 22.6.20

Dear Sycamore class,

This week we have welcomed back some of the Year 1 children. It has been lovely to see them. We are working hard to complete our ‘Beautiful Britain’ project. The children have really enjoyed researching different habitats. Thank you very much Joe for the lovely photograph of your coastal habitat. Your Andy Goldsworthy inspired collage is beautiful. I hope your foot is much better soon. Lucien, it was lovely to see your photographs of the seals you saw at ‘Horsey Bay’. What a wonderful experience and a lovely treat to enjoy an ice cream. It was lovely to hear how hard River is working on her reading and writing. Good girl for building Lego sets and planting flowers in the garden. Emily, your fact file about rabbits is beautiful and your picture is amazing. I hope you are keeping well and being very good children for your adults. I miss you and I hope you enjoy the activities on the class page.

Love from Mrs Skinner x

Daily maths activities 

Week beginning 15.6.20

Hello Sycamore class, I hope you are all having a lovely week. We have had a lot of rain this week which has been good for Mrs Skinner’s plants, but the weekend is looking to be a little warmer.

Mrs Skinner, Mrs Southgate and Miss Leggett has been in school, planning for the Autumn term. Mrs Southgate and Miss Leggett have been giving our classroom a little layer of paint to make it look fresh for your return.

Lucien has been busy cooking and he baked us some delicious cookies for us to share. Thank you so much Lucien we enjoyed them so much! Emily has been busy making her own clock to help her to tell the time. It looked amazing. Maisie your cupcakes look delicious and well done for working so hard on your project about ‘hedgehogs’. I am amazed by your sunflowers they are getting really tall. Good girl for watering them so well. Please keep your photographs coming in. I miss you all and they make me smile.

Have a lovely week and continue being very good children.

Love from Mrs Skinner x


Daily maths activities 


Week beginning 8/6/20


Dear Sycamore class,


I hope you are all well. We are missing you lots and hope you are being very good children for your adults. Mrs Skinner, Mrs Southgate and Miss Leggett have been in school preparing the class for your safe return. Mrs Skinner has been busy revamping her garden, growing tomatoes, sunflowers and cucumbers. Mrs Southgate’s daughter has celebrated a big birthday this week. She has been enjoying lots of cake and party food. She is also building a larger enclosure for her two guinea pigs. Miss Leggett has been enjoying beach walks and topping up her tan while doing coursework in the garden.

Thank you Joe for your lovely picture of a skeleton and Emily you have been an amazing chef making smoothies.


I will be making phone calls next Wednesday and I am really looking forward to hearing how you all have been getting on.

From this coming week the children will be set a project called ‘Beautiful Britain’. This will replace the activities for English and topic. Alongside this, the children have phonics and maths activities they are welcome to complete. Please remember that these activities are not compulsory.


I am looking forward to speaking to all of you next week.


Stay safe.


Love from Mrs Skinner x





Year 1 and 2 resources and activities for week beginning Monday 8th June 2020

Week beginning 01/06/20


Dear Sycamore class,


I hope you are having a lovely half term and you have enjoyed the beautiful warm weather this week. Myself, my husband and my children have enjoyed lots of picnics in the garden. We have also enjoyed walks around our local area too.


Albert, thank you so much for your wonderful pictures. Well done for working so hard on your phonics. Your walk from Manningtree to Flatford sounded amazing. Bobby P thank you so much for seeing in your photographs of your dinosaur habitat. It looks fabulous!

I look forward to receiving more photographs and pictures of your learning Sycamore class, they really make me smile. Have lots of fun and continue to be very good children for your adults. I hope you enjoy the activities we have set for you for next week. Please remember that activities provided on our website are not compulsory, but you may complete these if you wish.


I miss you all and stay safe.


Mrs Skinner x



Year 1 and 2 daily activities 


Useful website links




















