Cedar Class
Welcome to Cedar Class
Classteacher: Mrs. E. Harrington
Summer Term Knowledge Organiser
Summer 2 KIRFs
Friday 19th July 2024
Thank you for your continued support this year. We have had a super year together in Cedar Class and we have made lots of special memories. I am so proud of each and every child and all they have achieved. Thank you for all your kind well wishes, cards and gifts. They are all so appreciated.
Wishing you all a wonderful summer,
Mrs. Harrington, Miss Westfall and Miss Kilpatrick
Friday 12th July 2024
It was wonderful to see so many of you at our Exhibition Evening this week. The children were so proud to share their work with you. I think you will agree it was all amazing!
The children will be bringing home their topic books next week. Please could you provide your child with a STRONG, NAMED CARRIER BAG to bring them home in.
Thank you.
Mrs. Harrington, Miss Westfall and Miss Kilpatrick
Friday 21st June 2024
It has been another busy week in Cedar Class. We have looked at water food chains and made a class aquarium to allow us to showcase our understanding of how every living thing relies on another living thing to survive. In History, we have learned the reasons why the Great Fire of London burned for so long and how fire fighting services changed as a consequence. We have finished our work on analogue time, but the children would benefit from further practice with this at home. We are now revisiting calculation, with a focus on addition and subtraction. Just a reminder that the Summer Fair is this Saturday. Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs. Harrington, Miss Westfall and Miss Kilpatrick
Friday 14th June 2024
It has been a very busy week in Cedar Class. The children have been completing their Summer Term assessments and have all worked incredibly hard. It was lovely to see how much progress they have all made and how proud they were of their achievements.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs. Harrington, Miss Westfall and Miss Kilpatrick.
Friday 7th June 2024
We have started this half term with an exciting and busy week. We have been learning a new text map for a suspense text and the children are all very keen to learn how to use suspense features in their own writing. In Maths we have begun our unit of learning on telling the time. The children are trying really hard with this tricky topic, but further practice at home is always beneficial, particularly with telling the time on an analogue clock.
On Thursday we were lucky enough to be joined by Mrs. Ryland who spent some time with us teaching us about Biodiversity. We had a wonderful time on the school field discovering what plant and animal life we share our space with.
Have a super weekend,
Mrs. Harrington, Miss Westfall and Miss Kilpatrick.
Learning about Biodiversity!
We are learning to tell the time!
Summer 1 KIRFs
Friday 10th May 2024
It's been a busy week in Cedar Class and the children have all impressed with their action stories. The children were all able to include the required features, including repetition and adverbs. This week in Maths we have used money to make varying amounts. We have worked hard on this, but are still finding it a bit tricky so will continue to practise this next week.
As we near the end of the academic year, we are working hard to ensure all children are fluent in their multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We continue to work on these daily in school and complete Time Table Rockstars activities three times a week, but it would greatly support your child if they could also continue to practise these at home. A short, daily session on TT Rockstars at home would benefit chidren greatly.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs. Harrington, Miss Westfall and Miss Kilpatrick
This week in Geography, we became the world!! We identified polar, equatorial and temperate regions and we looked at the weather in these regions.
Moon Dragons
We worked extremely hard creating and decorating our clay moon dragon eyes. We created dragon heads to display them on and mixed colours carefully to create the perfect magical, mystical shades!
I have included some photos below of our stunning displays.
Jimmy's Farm 2024
Summer Term PE
For this half term, our PE days will be on Monday and Thursday.
Spring Term Knowledge Organiser
Spring 2 KIRFs
Roman and Boudica Day
The entire key stage came together and divided into their Roman and Iceni tribes in order to re-create an epic battle scene!
Everyone brought their scariest faces and loudest roars and whilst the Iceni tribe came out on top for a while (the Roman's defeat in Colchester), in the end the Romans prevailed (the battle of Wattling in 61AD)!
Incredible Eggs.
We have had such a magical week in Cedar Class! We are fortunate to have a duck hatching kit from 'Incredible Eggs' in Key Stage 1. It has been amazing to watch our five duck eggs emerge from their eggs and every morning the children have rushed into class to see who the newest member of the team is!
Mrs. Lewis is excited to be looking after them this weekend and we look forward to spending more time with them next week before they head to their new homes on Thursday.
We have several members of staff that are hoping to adopt the ducklings at the end of their time at Myland and I have included some information below about how the company looks after any ducklings that aren't adopted.
Mrs. Harrington, Miss Westfall and Miss Kilpatrick
Where will the ducklings go if they aren't adopted?
Incredible Eggs!
Red Nose Day 2024 - Wear something funny for money!
Friday 15th March 2024
We have had a very busy week in Cedar. The children all created tape-resist frogs in art and we look forward to displaying these for you to see really soon. We have continued to work on fractions this week and have focussed on finding a quarter and a third of shapes and amounts. Please continue to support your child with their times table knowledge by helping them log on to Times Table Rockstars as often as possible to practice their 2, 5 and 10 times table.
Thank you,
Mrs. Harrington, Miss Westfall and Miss Kilpatrick
Friday 8th March 2024
The children all produced super HOT Tasks this week, writing persuasive texts to convince their reader to buy an eel as a pet! We also started out unit of learning on fractions in Maths. We will be finding halves, quarters and thirds of shapes and amounts over the next few weeks.
Please note that our PE days have changed to a Tuesday and Wednesday for the rest of Spring Term. Please support children in being able to take part by ensuring earrings are removed and long hair tied back on these days.
Thank you,
Mrs. Harrington, Miss Westfall and Miss Kilpatrick
World Book Day 2024
The children all loved wearing cosy pyjamas and bringing their favourite book to school. We spent time sharing books with our friends and talking about what we loved about our books. We came away from the day with lots of recommendations for new books too!
Spring 1 KIRF's
Friday 16th February 2024
It was lovely to meet with so many parents this week and share the wonderful learning that all the children have been doing this term. The children have much to be proud of and have all worked so hard.
This week we have been planning a persuasive text in English and have been solving multiplication word problems in Maths. We have also been completing our end of unit assessments in Science and Geography and as always, the children have wowed me with their knowledge (especially all their interesting, and sometimes random facts about Bermuda!).
I hope you all have a fun-filled half term and we look forward to seeing you when we return on Tuesday 27th February.
Mrs. Harrington, Miss Westfall and Miss Kilpatrick.
Friday 9th February 2024
The children loved sharing their learning with parents this week at Shared Learning. Thank you to everyone who was able to come along to the session and take part in the art activities that they children had prepared for you.
I hope you enjoy some photos of the session below.
Mrs. Harrington
KS1 Shared Learning - Art
Friday 26th January 2024
This week the children made collage birds' nests. They were fabulous gulls searching for natural and man-made materials and were very proud of their finished nests. In maths, we have started to look at counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. It would be fabulous if the children could continue practising these at home. Thank you to all those who have logged onto TT Rockstars this week. I had a few requests for login information so I will send home logins to everyone just incase anyone is still without.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Harrington, Miss Westfall and Miss Kilpatrick
Friday 19th January 2024
This week we started learning our 5 times table and related division facts. The children are practising lots in class and already seeing progress! Please log on to Times Table Rockstars as much as possible to practise the 5 times table and also to help keep the 2 times tables fresh that we learned last half term.
Mrs. Harrington, Miss Kilpatrick and Miss Westfall
Friday 12th January 2024
The children have had a busy first week back and were very excited to meet our new class TA, Miss Kilpatrick. We have enjoyed creating art inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. We used natural materials to create the patterns we could see in our new text 'Think of an Eel'. The children have also read this book with a friend and created storyboards to help them become very familiar with the story.
In Maths we have been representing numbers up to 100 in a variety of ways and we all enjoyed learning actions to go with our new model text 'Journey to the Sargasso'.
Have a super weekend!
Mrs. Harrington, Miss Westfall and Miss Kilpatrick.
Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser
Autumn 2 KIRFs
Christmas Jumper Day 2023
Friday 15th December 2023
The children were amazing in their Christmas Production performances this week. We were all so proud of how confident they were. Thank you to everyone who supported with providing costumes for their child and a huge thank you to Mrs. Patrick, Mrs. Brown and Miss Westfall for co-ordinating all the costumes and props. You can find photos of the performance at the link below.
A visit from St Michael's Church
We were lucky enough to be visited by St Michael's Church as part of their posada procession. Some children will also be given the opportunity, if they would like, to bring a box home containing all the characters needed to retell the Christmas story in their own home.
Friday 1st December 2023
In English this week, we learned how to present and punctuate a poem. We then planned our own poem about pets, which we will finish writing next week.
In Maths, we explored lines of symmetry and created repeating patterns with 2D shapes. We also worked hard to solve word problems, thinking carefully about giving a reason why we thought something.
In History, we continued learning about significant queens of the past. This week, we created fact files about Queen Elizabeth II and some children were very proud to show their work to Miss Griggs because they had impressed me so much!
Mrs. Harrington and Miss Westfall.
Friday 24th November 2023
We have been working hard on Christmas Production rehearsals this week. We are all super impressed with the way everyone has learned lines and actions. We are really looking forward to sharing our hard work with you soon at the productions.
There are lots of coughs going around at the moment, so have a restful weekend and I look forward to seeing you all next week.
Mrs. Harrington
Look who visited our PE lesson this week!
Friday 10th November 2023
The children have worked hard this week to become confident with adding and subtracting two 2 digit numbers. They are choosing a method which they feel confident with and applying this to a range of problems. Everyone has tried so hard at this and I can see real improvements, well done!
In English we have started our shared writing, with the children writing a diary entry from the perspective of the kangaroo from our 'Wild Symphony Text'. As well as writing all the poems, Dan Brown also composed music to go with each of his poems. I have included the piece written for the kangaroo poem which the children enjoyed listening to this week.
We also spent time learning about Remembrance Day this week and spent a calm and thoughtful afternoon on Friday creating these collage poppies. We used this quiet time whilst creating our artwork to think about people we are thankful for in our lives. I have included some photos of their finished artwork below.
Mrs. Harrington
Remembrance Day 2023
Friday 3rd November 2023
It has been a busy first week back for Cedar Class. The children have all enjoyed learning a new text map. We are looking at diary entries for the first few weeks of this half term and the children were all able to identify the features of this text type.
In Maths, we have continued to add and subtract numbers within 100. The children are becoming more confident with this, particularly when using an empty number line to help them.
We have also started rehearsals for our Christmas Production. The children were very excited to get going! I am sure you will all become familiar with the songs over the coming weeks!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Harrington and Miss Westfall.
Friday 20th October 2023
It has been wonderful to see so many parents at Parent Consultations this week and have the opportunity to share the many wonderful things we have achieved over the past 7 weeks in Cedar Class.
We wish you a fantastic half term break and look forward to seeing the children back in school on Monday 30th October.
Mrs. Harrington and Miss Westfall
Science : Investigating hygiene.
Friday 13th October 2023
It has been another busy week in Cedar Class and we have all worked hard in English to incorporate adjectives, similes and adverbs into our writing as we write our shared story together.
In Maths, we have worked to subtract numbers within 50 and everyone was able to use a variety of mathods to support themselves, with very little adult support. Well done Cedar!
A firm favourite this week was the final stage of our 'Revolting Pizzas' topic in Design Technology. Insipired by our text 'Revolting Rhymes', we have been designing, creating and evaluating our very own Revolting PIzzas. I have included some photos below for you to enjoy.
Have a super weekend,
Mrs. Harrington and Miss Westfall.
Design Technology - Making Revolting Pizzas!
Friday 6th October 2023
I have been so proud of Cedar Class this week. Their English work has really impressed me and everyone could write amazing similes to describe Cinderella. In Maths we have been adding numbers in a variety of ways and once again, everyone has impressed me with their super Maths skills.
In Science we conducted an investigation to discover the impact of exercise on our bodies - some things impacted us more than others!
One of the highlights of our week was when we had a special visitor who had read our instructions on how to dress like a grandma! It was a big surprise for everyone, but as you can see, our instructions were clearly wonderful as the grandma is truly impressive! I have included some photos of our guest below for you to see.
Mrs. Harrington and Miss Westfall
Friday 29th September 2023
Well done Cedar class! I am so proud of the independent writing you have done this week after a week of learning the ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ story. You all worked incredibly hard to include story language and extra details as well as working on your individual writing targets.
In Maths, we have also been comparing numbers and we are all really confifent using the language of ‘greater than’, ‘less than’ and ‘equal to’. We are also gaining in confidence when using these equality symbols in our written work.
In Geography, we worked hard to label the continents and oceans of the world. We began to learn a fun song to help us with this which I will include below. It would be great if you could sing together to help consolidate our learning!
Mrs. Harrington and Miss Westfall
Friday 22nd September 2023
We have had a very productive week in Cedar Class this week. The children have worked incredibly hard and made me proud when a guest teacher left a note saying what a super class they were!
In English, we have written our own instructions. The children were tasked with writing a set of instructions to help the Big Bad Wolf dress as a granny to try and catch Little Red Riding Hood. In Maths, we have continued to consolidate our understanding of place value, including identifying odd and even numbers.
The children are very proud of the work that is starting to be displayed in the classroom and around school and will be keen to show you if you are able to attend At Home afternoons.
Mrs. Harrington and MissWestfall
Friday 15th September 2023
It has been another busy week in Cedar Class. The children have continued to work hard and have been busy finding one more and one less than a given number. In English, we have been identifying the features of an instruction text and we will move onto creating our own intruction text in the coming weeks.
The children very much enjoyed their PE lesson with the Colchester United Sports Coach and are all very keen to impress him!
Mrs. Harrington and Miss Westfall
Learning a non-fiction text map together.
Friday 8th September 2023
Welcome to the class page for Cedar Class.
What a busy few days we have had! I have been how the children have settled quickly to new year twp routines and have been working hard. In Maths, we have begun to work on place value and the children are learning the value of each digit in a 2 digit number. We have also begun to learn a new text map and the children have enjoyed learning the actions to go with this.
Please be aware that P.E. for our class is on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs. Harrington and Miss. Westfall
Super Science!