Beech Class
Welcome to Beech Class
Classteacher: Miss A. Lee
Friday 14th July 2030
This week, the children have been exploring story opening and endings. They have enjoyed adapting the model text to create their own endings to the story. In Maths, we have been exploring bar charts and pictograms. The children have also begun to interpret line graphs.
Thank you to everyone who came to our Exhibition Evening on Thursday, we hope you enjoyed having the opportunity to see some of the amazing work that the children have produced.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Lee
Friday 7th July 2023
This week the children have been learning their new model text which has a focus on story openings. The children enjoyed thinking of actions when creating a text map.
In Maths, the children have been reading and plotting coordinates. They have also begun to translate shapes on a grid. We are continuing to rehearse our times tables and the related division facts.
In History, the children have been exploring the many theories surrounding the decline of the Harappan Civilisation. It has been lovely to see how much the children have enjoyed this unit of work.
Have a great weekend,
Miss Lee
Thursday 29th June 2023
This week Beech class have continued their work on telling the time. The children have been converting 12 hour times to 24 hour digital times. Some of the children found this a little tricky, so please work on this with your child at home.
During Class Swap week, the children had the opportunity to spend time in their new classes and meet their new teachers. All of the children were amazing and they are all excited about starting their new classes next September.
Just a quick reminder that we encourage children to bring in a named water bottle so that they can keep hydrated throughout the day.
We are also continuing to rehearse all of our times tables from 1 to 12 and the related division facts.
Have a good weekend
Miss Lee
Thursday 22nd June 2023
This week the children have continued with their work on time, exploring 5 minute intervals past and to the hour. We have also been telling the time to minute intervals to and past the hour such as 26 minute past 7 or 18 minutes to 5. Some children have found this a little tricky.
In D.T, the children enjoyed exploring a range of products that are powered by pneumatics such as foot pumps and Nerf guns. They also investigated what happened when two syringes were joined by some plastic tubing.
We are continuing to explore all of our times tables from 1 to 12 and the related division facts. Please encourage your child to work on this at home.
Please can you ensure that your child brings a named water bottle into school as well as a sun hat to help keep them safe in the sun.
Have a good weekend.
Miss Lee
Thursday 15th June 2023
In English, the children have been writing up their balanced arguments about whether or not personifates should be given a second life. The children were able to provide a variety or reasons for or against personifates and tried really hard to include rhetorical questions in their writing.
In Maths, the children have been telling the time to o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to the hour on an analogue clock. They have also begun to tell the time to 5 minute intervals past the hour e.g. 10 past 6, 25 past 3. Please continue to work on this with your child at home.
Just a reminder that it is non uniform day for the PTA on Friday 16th June. Children are encouraged to come to school wearing their own clothes in return for donating some sweets to the PTA Summer Fair.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Lee
Friday 9th June 2023
This week Beech Class have been writing up their balanced arguments exploring the pros and cons of children wearing school uniform. In Maths, the children have been dividing 1 and 2 digit numbers by 100. They have also begun to explore decimal equivalents for 1/2, 1/4 and 3/4.
Please encourage your child to practice their x tables and the related division facts.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Lee
Friday 26th May 2023
In English, the children have been exploring their new model text based on a balanced argument. In Maths, we have continued with our work on decimals and have been dividing 1 and 2 digit numbers by 10.
The children have all worked incredibly hard over the last few weeks and are definitely ready for their week off. Please continue to encourage your child to practice their times tables. We are now mixing our times tables from 1 to 12 as well as the related division facts.
Enjoy your week off and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 6th June. Please remind your child to bring their PE kit back to school.
Miss Lee
Knowledge Organiser
Friday 19th May 2023
The children had an amazing time visiting the Science Museum. They all behaved beautifully and were brilliant on the coach. The Wonderlab was particularly popular with the children as they could explore a variety of activities.
I have included some photographs so you can see just how much fun we had.
Have a great weekend.
Miss Lee
Science Museum Trip
Thursday 11th May 2023
In English, the children have been planning and writing their own stories with a focus on dialogue. In Maths, the children have been comparing decimals and drawing part, part whole models to represent a calculation.
In Geography, the children used maps and atlases to locate different countries as well as describing the topographical features of India, Nepal and China.
We are continuing with our focus on the 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10x table and the related division facts.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Lee
Thursday 4th May 2023
It's been another busy week in Beech Class. In Maths, the children have been finding fractions of an amount. They have also started to explore tenths as a decimal. In English, the children have continued writing their stories with a focus on dialogue.
I have included photographs of our displays. Mrs Patrick and Mr Rands did an amazing job displaying the pictures. Our artwork was inspired by our class text, 'Wildspark.'
Next week we will be exploring the 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 x table.
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the celebrations!
Miss Lee
Wildspark display
Thursday 27th April 2023
This week the children have been converting between mixed number and improper fractions. They have also begun to identify equivalent fractions e.g. 1/2 = 2/4, using fractions walls as well as their knowledge of multiplication.
In English, the children have been learning how to punctuate speech as well as using a range of adverbial openers in their writing. In Science, the children have been learning about the different methods that seeds disperse their seeds.
Thank you to everyone who attended the shared learning session on Monday. The children thoroughly enjoyed taking on the role of teachers and sharing their learning with you. I have included some photos for you too look at.
We will continue to focus on the 8, 9 and 10x table next week.
Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend.
Miss Lee
Year 3/4 Shared Learning
Friday 21st April 2023
The children have all settled in after their Easter Holidays. In Maths, the children have been comparing fractions with different denominators. They have been developing the concept that the bigger the denominator, the smaller the fraction e.g. 1/2 is bigger than 1/4.
In English, the children have been learning the model text which has a focus on dialogue. The children have also been preparing their activities for the shared learning session which will take place on Monday 24th April in the hall from 9:15am until 10:30am. We look forward to you joining us.
We are continuing to focus on our times table knowledge and will be exploring the 8, 9 and 10x table next week.
Have a good weekend.
Miss Lee
Thursday 30th March
It's been a very busy week in Beech Class. In English, the children wrote a set of instructions for 'how to make a jam sandwich.' They then swapped their instructions with a partner and had to follow their instructions to complete the task. We soon learned the importance of including a knife to spread the jam and butter as lots of the children had to use their hands! I have included some photographs so that you can see the end result.
In Maths, the children explored unit and non unit fractions as well as different ways to represent a fraction. They also began to investigate fractions that were equal to one whole.
The children were amazing in their production of 'Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies.' We are all really proud of them. Please remember that the children come back on Tuesday 18th April and that they need to bring their PE kits into school. We will continue to work on our times tables and the related division facts.
Have a lovely Easter Holidays.
Miss Lee
How to make a jam sandwich
Final arrangements for 'Robin Hood and the Sherwood Hoodies.'
Arrangements for our Year 3/4 evening productions at school on Tuesday 28th and Thursday 30th March are as follows:
We would like every child to participate on both evenings. Children should arrive at school for 6:30pm and enter through the Year 5/6 pupil entrance. The production lasts approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, so if you are not watching the production, please return to school to collect your child after 8:30pm. Please ensure that your child knows who is collecting them on both evenings. Please make sure that you bring your tickets with you when you come to watch the performances.
We understand that it is going to be a very busy week for the children and that they might not be used to staying up so late. We are aware that they might be feeling tired later on in the week.
Thursday 24th March 2023
This week the children have been exploring volume and capacity. In English, the children have been learning about the features of instructions as well as the actions for our new model text. We have continued to work on our Roman chariots and hope to have them completed soon.
Friday 17th March 2023
This week Beech Class have been planning and writing their own non-chronological report about a new species of animal that has been discovered on the island where Roz the robot lives. They did an amazing job and tried hard to include as many features of the text type as possible.
In Maths, we have been finding the area of simple 2D shapes and solving problems involving measures. In computing, the children created question and answer algorithms using the programme 'Scratch' to develop an educational game. I have included some photos for you to look at.
We will be continuing with the 11x table next week for TTRS.
Have a good weekend.
Miss Lee
We are software developers!
Friday 10th March 2023
This week Beech Class have been writing up their non-chronological reports about adults. The children have done an amazing job and have tried hard to include key features such as subheadings and writing in the present tense. In Maths, the children have been measuring objects in cm and M. They have also been converting between cm, mm and m.
Just a reminder that Beech Class have PE on Mondays on Thursdays. We go outside for one session and as the weather has turned colder this week, the children have been asked to ensure that they have jogging bottoms in school as well as a suitable jumper to keep them warm.
We have sent notes home about costumes for our production. Please do not worry if you don't have exactly what we have suggested. If your child is in year 3 they are a villager. They can wear anything casual such as: dungarees, jeans, corduroy trousers, skirts, checked clothing, flowery dresses, shirts etc..
All we ask is that they don't wear hoodies, sports or football kit.
Any concerns, please come and speak to us.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Lee
Thursday 2nd March 2023
This week Beech Class have been finding the perimeter of 2D shapes. We have also been finding the perimeter of shapes with missing lengths. In English, we have been exploring the features of non-chronological reports.
The children enjoyed dressing up to represent a variety of different words for World Book Day. I have included some photos so that you can see our amazing costumes.
World Book Day
Friday 24th February 2023
Another busy week for Beech Class. In English, the children have been exploring the features of a non-chronological report. They really enjoyed learning the model text about 'Teachers.' In Maths, the children have been subtracting amounts of money and finding change. We have been working on recalling our number bonds to 100, to help us with counting on a given amount in pence up to the nearest pound.
In DT, the children explored different joining techniques. The children worked in small groups and were given pieces of wooden dowel to join together using a range of materials such as glue, elastic bands and masking tape. After joining the pieces of wood, the children investigated how to strengthen the corners using pieces of cardboard. This is in preparation for our work on Roman chariots.
Next week will begin mixing out times tables and will be working on our 3, 4 and 5x tables and the related division facts.
Friday 10th February 2023
Another busy week for Beech Class. In Maths, the children have been exploring amounts of money and adding amounts together to find the total. In Art, the children explored designs for mosaics and created their own shell pictures.
The children also had the opportunity to visit the Garrison on Thursday and experience playing squash on the squash courts. They all had a brilliant time and enjoyed putting their squash skills to the test.
Don't forget that we have PE on the first day back so children will need to ensure that their PE kits are in school. We will be continuing with our 7x table when we come back to school.
Have a lovely half term and a well deserved rest!
Miss Lee
Friday 3rd February 2023
This week Beech Class have been writing their own suspense stories based on our class text 'The Wild Robot.' The children did an amazing job at hiding the threat and using scary weather to set the scene. In Maths, the children have been exploring properties of 2D and 3D shapes including their angles.
Next week we will be working on the 7x table.
Have a good weekend.
Miss Lee
Friday 27th January 2023
This week Beech Class have been dividing a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number with remainders. The children have been encouraged to use their times tables knowledge to help them with their working out.
In History, the children have been exploring Roman Colchester. They enjoyed learning about important buildings such as Balkerne Gate, The Roman Circus and The Roman Theatre.
Next week we will continue with the 9x table.
Have a good weekend,
Miss Lee
Friday 20th January 2023
In Science, Beech class explored a range of different materials and sorted them into two groups, insulators and conductors. The children really enjoyed putting their knowledge of complete and incomplete circuits to the test.
In PSHE, the children learned about treating minor and severe bleeding and how to treat a casualty who goes into shock.
Next week the children will be working on their 9x table. Just a reminder that we have PE on Mondays and Thursdays. Please ensure that your child has suitable clothing for outside activities, including jogging bottoms and a warm top.
Have a good weekend,
Miss Lee
Science investigation: insulators and conductors
Friday 13th January 2023
Beech Class have been very busy this week. The children enjoyed learning their new model text based on a suspense story. They also used adjectives and verbs to create a scary setting. In Maths, we have been multiplying 3 digit numbers by a 1 digit number using our knowledge of the expanded column method. In Science, the children explored complete and incomplete circuits and made predictions about whether or not the bulb would light up. They also learned about safety in the home and how to stay safe when using electrical appliances.
Next week we will continue to work on our 12x tables.
Have a good weekend,
Miss Lee
Friday 16th December 2022
Beech Class have been very busy this week. In English, the children planned their own persuasive letters based on the class text 'The Butterfly Lion.' In Maths, the children have been multiplying numbers using the column method. In History, the children created posters displaying their knowledge about the Mayans.
The children were amazing in their Christmas performances and did a fantastic job teaching their parents the 'Must Be Santa' song and actions. All of the children have worked incredibly hard this term and deserve a much needed rest in the holidays.
Next term, we will be working on the 12x table.
Have a lovely Christmas and New Year.
Miss Lee
Thursday 8th December 2022
This week the children have been learning all about Mayan beliefs and rituals. The children worked in small groups and became 'Experts' in their subject. They then shared their learning with other members of the class. The children were very enthusiastic during this activity and enjoyed teaching the other children about Mayan gods and rituals.
Friday 2nd December 2022
This week Beech Class have been learning the new model text based on a persuasive argument. They have also been exploring rhetorical questions as well as facts and opinions. In Maths, the children have been using their knowledge of rounding to support them in estimating answers to calculations. In Science, the children have been learning about how fossils are formed.
Next week we will be continuing to work on our 6x table.
Friday 25th November 2022
Beech Class have been working incredibly hard this week. In English, the children planned and wrote stories based on the class text 'The Butterfly Lion.' The children did an amazing job including personification and similes in their writing. In Maths, the children have been subtracting 3 and 4 digit numbers as well as subtracting with more than one exchange. In Art, the children explored marbling techniques using chalk and marbling inks.
We will continue to work on the 6x table next week.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Lee
Friday 18th November 2022
Beech Class covered themselves in spots to support Children in Need. We also had a few yellow bears visit us in class.
Next week Beech Class will be working on their 6x table.
Children in Need
Friday 11th November 2022
As part of learning in D.T, Beech Class prepared and cooked a vegetable casserole. The meal was for the people on the island of Samson and was linked to our class text 'Why the Whales Came.' The children learned about the importance of food hygiene as well as cooking skills such as peeling and chopping safely. We have sent a small portion of our dish home for you to try. We hope that you enjoy it.
Our ingredients are as follows;
carrots, potatoes, onions, parsnips, swede, mixed herbs, corn flour, garlic and vegetable stock.
Next week we will continue to work on our 3x tables.
Have a lovely weekend.
Cooking with Beech Class
Friday 4th November 2022
When we found out that the children's author and illustrator, Rob Biddulph was coming to open our library, we all completed an online drawing class called ‘Draw with Rob’. The children drew these amazing pictures of sausage dogs (based on the book 'The Odd Dog out'), which I have taken photos of so that you could take a look. They are fantastic and it was great fun to do.
Beech Class have been describing settings using adjectives, verbs and adverbs. They enjoyed learning our new model text.
Next week the focus will be on the 3x table.
Draw with Beech Class
Friday 21st October
Another busy week for Beech Class. The children have worked incredibly hard over the last few weeks and deserve to have a good rest during their week off.
In Maths, the children have been solving problems involving rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. They have continued to develop their times table knowledge and we will be working on our 5x table when they come back to school on the w/c 31st October.
In English, the children have written a diary entry from the point of view of one of the characters in our class text. I was really impressed by the way the children were able to show (not tell) how their characters were feeling.
In D.T, the children have been learning about seasonality and they enjoyed planning a meal for the local inhabitants on the Isle of Scilly.
Friday 14th October 2022
This week Beech Class have been planning and writing their own diary entries based on their character being accidentally locked in the zoo overnight. The children tried really hard to apply features of the model text in their writing and were able to show how their character was feeling.
In Maths, we have continued to work on rounding 2 and 3 digit numbers to the nearest multiple of 10 and 100. In P.S.H.E, the children explored different ways of paying for items.
We will continue to work on the 8x table next week.
Friday 7th October 2022
This week Beech Class took part in a scrapyard challenge during their Science lesson. The children used magnets to identify and sort a variety of magnetic and non-magnetic materials. They also explored the fact that not all metals were magnetic such as gold and silver.
In Maths, the children have been rounding numbers to the nearest multiple of 10. In English, the children enjoyed learning their new model text based on a diary entry.
We will be working on the 8x table next week.
Friday 30th September 2022
Beech Class have now completed their sculptures. I have included some photographs so that you can admire their amazing work. The sculptures were inspired by the work of Barbara Hepworth and the wooden carvings in our class text 'Why the Whales Came.'
We will be continuing with the 4x table next week.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Lee
Wading Birds by Beech Class
Friday 23rd September 2022
Beech Class have had another busy week. In Maths, the children have been exploring counting on and back in 1000s, 100s, 50s and 25s. This has been a little tricky, so you may wish to help your child at home. We have continued to work on recalling facts for the 4x table and this will be our focus for next week. In English, the children have been creating character descriptions based on our model text. Throughout the week, the children have been creating their sculptures based on the work of Barbara Hepworth. We can't wait to share our finished models with you.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Lee
Friday 16th September 2022
The children have had another busy week in Beech Class. They have continued to explore place value and have been working on adding and subtracting 1, 10, 100 or 1000 to or from a 4 digit number. In English, the children have been developing character using powerful verbs and adverbs. The have also been trying to show (not tell) how a character is feeling.
Next week, our focus for x tables will be the 4x table.
P.E is on a Monday and a Thursday.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Lee
Friday 9th September 2022
Beech Class have had an amazing week this week. All of the children have been working hard and have quickly settled in their new class. In English, the children have been learning the class model text. They have been given a copy of the text map so that they can rehearse the story at home.
In Art, the children have been learning about sculptures created by Barbara Hepworth. The children drew a selection of natural objects in the style of the artist and began designing their own sculptures based on the class text 'Why the Whales Came.'