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Maple Class

Welcome to Maple Class

Classteacher:  Miss N. Pender

Week beginning Monday 10th July 2023

WELL DONE YEAR 6! Wow! What a performance. Year 6 were amazing on Tuesday and Wednesday night. There was laughter, tears and lots of fun. Thank you so much to everyone that came to see the show and for all of your support at home with costumes and helping the children remember their lines. Please enjoy the photos below! 



Week beginning Monday 3rd July 2023

I have had such a fantastic week with Maple Class this week. We have continued to explore Shakespeare and the children have loved acting out and translating specific scenes from the Romeo and Juliet play. On Friday, we were lucky enough to have a Shakespeare Workshop and the children absolutely loved it! They were impeccably behaved and were able to show the actor how much they already knew about Shakespeare. On top of this, they also were able to show Foundation Stage and Key Stage One their production. They are really looking forward to you all seeing it next week. Mrs Yearling and I would like to say and huge THANK YOU to all of the parents for their contributions towards props and costumes. The children look AMAZING! 


Enjoy the photos below from the workshop. 


Have a lovely weekend, 


Miss Pender :) 

Week beginning Monday 26th July 2023

This week has been a very different week for the school as we have had our class swap. Lots of Year 6 children have been off on their secondary school transition days and I hope they all had amazing days! The children that have been in school, have been absolutely fantastic role models as usual. On Monday, we were together as Maple Class and the children worked incredibly hard to create their 'junk' models for our art this term. The models look fantastic so far and on Friday, they will be fully completed. Take a look at the photos of the children in action. 


'Junk' Models

Week beginning Monday 19th June 2023

This week started with Sports Day on Monday. Maple Class children were excellent ambassadors for the school, supporting the younger children in their teams! Well done Maple! We hope you enjoyed the morning. They have also been working really hard in English to write a sonnet with a partner. I was really impressed with their excellent use of figurative language and Shakespearean language. As well as this, Maple Class have enjoyed adding a switch to their DT work; learning about inheritance in science and exploring the geography of South America. Just a reminder that on Monday, we will be making sculptures inspired by the artist Elisabeth Frink. The children will work in small groups to develop their own sculpture. If you have any useful 'junk' material such as sponges, foil, bubble wrap, newspaper, plastic packaging please could this be sent into school for the children to use. Please ensure that boxes previously containing any nut products are NOT sent in due to allergies. 


Have a rest this weekend Maple! 😊

Week beginning Monday 12th June 2023


This week, Maple Class have been busy immersing themselves in the world of William Shakespeare. In English, we have been exploring his famous play - Romeo and Juliet. The children have watched the first act of the play in two contrasting films and have planned and written a discussion text comparing their similarities and differences. I was really impressed with the outcomes. In science, the children have started their new topic – ‘Evolution’ and they enjoyed learning all about fossils on Thursday. Mr. Verlinden also had one to show the children which they loved! We have also been busy working on the Year 6 production most mornings this week and Mrs. Yearling, Mr. Verlinden and I are all really impressed with how hard the children have worked on learning their lines. This week, there has been a real focus on acting and knowing where to stand on the stage and how to move around the stage. We have also been finalising our actions and dances. On Friday, we prepared ourselves for the different sports day activities.


We hope you can make it on Monday morning! Have a great weekend! 😊

Week beginning Monday 5th June 2023

Wow! We have had an extremely busy week back after the half term in Maple! The children have all come back with fantastic attitudes to their learning and they have already enjoyed lots of our new topics. The children have taken part in lots of drama-based activities this week for our new English topic - Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. They have worked as a whole class to retell the story of Romeo and Juliet and have translated the prologue into modern day English. They have also enjoyed their new DT topic which focuses on mechanical control. On Thursday, they worked hard in groups to control a simple circuit connected to a computer. However, the highlight of the week was our Shared Learning session on Thursday morning. Thank you so much to all of the parents that managed to come. It was a great turnout and the children loved sharing their learning with you! I hope you enjoy some of the photos below. 



Week beginning Monday 22nd May 2023

This week Maple Class have enjoyed planning their own event as part of our computing learning. They have worked incredibly hard learning how to create spreadsheets and handle large amounts of data this half term. We have also now finished our class text (Not My Fault) which the children really enjoyed. I look forward to starting new topics after the half term break. 


Keep practising your lines for our production Maple and have a fantastic half term break! 


Miss Pender :)

Week beginning Monday 15th May 2023


This week, in PSHE, Maple Class have learned all about how to call for help in an emergency. They enjoyed role playing different scenarios on Monday. They have also enjoyed starting a discussion text in English. There are lots of different thoughts and opinions. I have been really impressed with the quality of the topic work this week too.


Maple Class have been introduced to the Year 6 production - Shakespeare Rocks! Lots of children have stepped out of their comfort zone and have shown enthusiasm for learning new songs and lines. 


Have a great weekend! :)


Week beginning Monday 8th May 2023

I am so proud of Year 6 for completing their SATs tests this week. They have shown resilience and have persevered brilliantly throughout the week. WELL DONE YEAR 6! I hope you enjoy the photos below of the SATs breakfast and celebrations. 


Have a restful weekend everyone! :)

SATs Breakfast & Celebrations

Week beginning Monday 1st May 2023

We have had another busy and productive week in Maple Class. This week, we have finished off our revision sessions in preparation for the SATs next week. The children have all worked incredibly hard and I am so proud of them. I look forward to seeing them at SATs breakfast (8am) on Tuesday 9th May. We also enjoyed different royal-themed activities on Friday to celebrate the King's coronation including, decorating bunting; enjoying a live band and having a feast of sausage rolls and cup cakes! I also loved seeing the children dressed to impress! Please enjoy the selection of photos below! 


Have a lovely three day weekend Maple. :)

The King's Coronation Celebration

SATs Information Evening Presentation

Week beginning Monday 24th April 2023

We have had another busy week in Maple Class with lots of learning taking place. On Tuesday afternoon, the children enjoyed learning all about the Black Death and the Great Plague as part of their History topic. They produced some fantastic work showcasing their understanding. On Wednesday afternoon, the children also enjoyed their art lesson exploring Keith Haring. They worked well to think of the characters in the class text 'Not My Fault' and the children produced a piece of art work in the style of the artist. I was really impressed with their efforts. Take a look below for some photos of the children in action! I will put up the finished pieces soon. 

Week beginning Monday 17th April 2023

It has been lovely to welcome Maple Class back to school after the Easter break. They have all come back with fantastic learning attitudes. Well done Maple! We are continuing to push through with our revision sessions each morning; however, these will now follow a theme each day. This week, we have explored different maths, grammar and reading questions linked to nature, holidays and animals. We have started our new class text, 'Not My Fault' by Cath Howe which the children are really enjoying. In English, we have started planning our own short narratives linked to the text. In history, the class have started to explore our new topic 'History of Medicine' and they have looked at the earliest theories on medicine and illness this week. In science, the children have started our new topic of 'Evolution'. 


Well done for a great week Maple! 

Week beginning Monday 27th March 2023

I am so proud of Maple Class this week as they have been working hard to complete their assessment papers. Every single person has put 100% effort into this and they have had fantastic attitudes. Well done Maple!


We have also enjoyed SAFETY WEEK this week. This has involved lots of different activities throughout the week and a 'Summer Safety' assembly on Thursday. The class enjoyed learning all about road safety, railway safety and water safety as we felt these were all relevant to our local area. They produced some fantastic safety leaflets showcasing their understanding. They also enjoyed a workshop on Thursday all about cyber safety. 


Well done for another great week Maple Class. I hope you all have a wonderful Easter break. Stay safe and eat lots of chocolate. See you back at school on Tuesday 18th April! 

Week beginning Monday 20th March 2023

This week Maple Class have been working hard to finish their Spring Term topic books and they look absolutely fantastic! They have enjoyed creating front covers individual to them but inspired by our class text - Wonder. I have been really impressed with the quality of the work and the time and effort that the children have taken to display it in interesting ways. On Tuesday, Maple Class completed their history POP task (proof of progress task) showcasing everything that they have learned about Ancient Egypt and I was amazed with how much everyone remembered. Our batik pharaohs in art are almost complete. Photos will be on the website soon!


Well done for another great week Maple!

History and Geography POP Tasks

Week beginning Monday 13th March 2023

This week the children enjoyed starting the batiking process in art. They were able to transfer their Ancient Egyptian pharaoh design onto their fabric using PVA glue by carefully painting along the lines of their pharaoh drawing. Next week, we will add paint to complete the batik effect! Scroll down for some photos! (Full concentration faces in place). 

Art - Batik

Week beginning Monday 6th March 2023

This week, we have been working hard in maths revising our understanding of fraction, decimal and percentages equivalences; adding and subtracting fractions; multiplying and dividing fractions and ratio and proportion. I have seen lots of children practising these skills at home and that has been wonderful to see. The children know that they need to learn certain key facts to help them. On Tuesday, the children enjoyed our history lesson exploring Ancient Egyptian daily life. They explored artefacts, wrote their name in hieroglyphics and enjoyed researching using the non-fiction books. I have had some stunning pieces of work handed in. 


Well done for another great week Maple Class! I am so proud of you all. :)

Week beginning Monday 27th February 2023

Maple Class have continued to work hard in the mornings in their revision sessions this week. In the afternoons, they have enjoyed printing as part of art and they have also completed some beautiful water colour pieces inspired by our class text 'Wonder'. On Thursday, the children enjoyed dressing up as a word for World Book Day. I have put some photos below - can you guess their words?


World Book Day 2023

Week beginning Monday 20th February 2023

It has been lovely to welcome the children back to school after their half term break! We have been busy in Year 6 as we have started our revision sessions altogether as a Year 6 cohort. I am so proud of all of the children because they have made such an excellent start to their revision. All week I have witnessed fantastic, positive attitudes towards their learning. Thank you for encouraging your children at home to complete their pages each night. In the afternoons, we have also been busy learning all about the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb and the children wrote great newspaper articles reporting on this. We have also enjoyed planning a science experiment all about thermal insulators. 


Have a well-deserved rest this weekend Maple! :) 

Week beginning Monday 6th February 2023

This week we have been doing lots of exciting activities linked to Children's Mental Health Week. On Tuesday, we worked with Mrs. Richardson to write inspiring quotes onto fabric. Mrs. Richardson is then going to turn these quotes into a quilt! We have also completed lots of 'Walk and Talk' and mindfulness exercises. On Wednesday, Maple enjoyed pairing up with their Reception buddies for their 'Walk and Talk'. It was lovely to see all of the children in green on Monday too. This week, we have also completed our Stitch Head sewing! Please scroll down for photos. 


I hope you all have a lovely half term break Maple!


Children's Mental Health Week

Week beginning Monday 30th January 2023

We have had another busy week in Maple Class. We have been learning how to solve relative problems and have explored proportional relationships in maths. The children understand the importance of maintaining the relative size. In English, the children blew me away with their excellent hot tasks. They were able to apply the different tools that they have learned to create suspense in their own stories.


Our Stitch Head sewing is also making good progress. This week, we have been able to sew on buttons using a cross stitch and we have used a back stitch for our Stitch Head's mouth. Next week, we will have this finished and I will put photos on the class page for you to see! On Thursday, Maple Class enjoyed using the Chromebooks and library books to research their own Ancient Egyptian God or Goddess. 


Well done for another fantastic week Maple! 


Week beginning Monday 23rd January 2023

It was an absolute privilege to take many of the Year 6 children (and some lucky Year 5 children) to the 02 Arena on Tuesday for the Young Voices Concert 2023! All of the children had a fantastic time singing and dancing and they put on an incredible show with the rest of the Young Voices choir (made up of over 9000 children this year). I am so proud of all of the hard work that the children have put into learning their songs and dances, at both school, and at home. The children that attended were impeccably behaved as always!


Well done! :)

Young Voices 2023

Week beginning Monday 16th January 2023

I have been so impressed with Maple Class this week. We have been busy building our suspense toolkit in English and I was blown away by excellent writing on Friday! The children enjoyed a very gruesome lesson learning all about mummification as part of our history topic this week too! I hope some of the children have managed to attempt to mummify an orange for their homework. Please send in any photos as we would love to see them. On Thursday, Maple Class were able to practise sewing stitches as part of their DT this term. It was so lovely to see lots of children practising at home too!


Well done for another great (and very busy) week Maple Class. Have a fantastic weekend! 

Week beginning Monday 9th January 2023

We have started the Spring Term brilliantly in Maple Class. It has been lovely to see and hear how much the children are enjoying our new class text - Stitch Head by Guy Bass. This week, we have worked hard in maths to explore decimals, including understanding the place value, rounding and ordering decimals. We have also been practising our singing for Young Voices. On Thursday, the children enjoyed the start of our new science topic (Materials and their Properties) with a practical lesson exploring separating different materials. Below are some photos of them in action!



Science in Action! Materials and their Properties

Week beginning Monday 12th December 2022



You all did an amazing job on Tuesday night performing at our carol concert. Each of you learned lines, words or lyrics and I am so, so proud of you all. The night itself was absolutely amazing! On Thursday, it was lovely to see you all in your Christmas jumpers and we also enjoyed our Christmas lunch. :)

Week beginning Monday 5th December 2022

This week, we have been busy practising our Christmas songs ready for our carol concert on Tuesday. We are really looking forward to performing to you all. Maple class have also been busy with an arithmetic week in maths revising their different written methods and skills. They have also worked hard to write explanations texts explaining how the heart works. On Thursday, the children enjoyed learning about etching and used different hatching and cross hatching techniques to create their own self portraits in the style of Rembrandt - a famous Dutch artist. 


Well done for another great week Maple Class! 

Week beginning Monday 28th November 2022

We have had yet another busy week in Maple Class. This week, we have been multiplying and dividing fractions in maths; we have continued reading some exciting short stories from Arabian Nights as part of our reading and we have explored the structure of explanation texts in English. On Tuesday, the children enjoyed developing their knowledge of Ancient Baghdad further by learning all about their numeral system. 


Have a great weekend Maple Class!

Week beginning Monday 21st November 2022

This week, Maple Class have been working incredibly hard to complete their assessment papers in order to support me in identifying gaps in their learning. They have taken on the challenge with maturity and excellent attitudes. I am super proud of you Maple! The highlight of the week was making houmous on Tuesday; we hope you enjoyed tasting their different recipe ideas! We have also started preparing for our Christmas Carol Concert so we have also been doing lots of singing this week. Well done for another great week Maple! 



Week beginning Monday 14th November 2022

This week, Maple Class have been busy learning all about fractions! They have also enjoyed writing their own wishing stories linked to character. On Thursday, some representatives of Year 6 took part in the Roman Cup! Well done for representing the school so wonderfully. This week, Bikeability group 3 also set off on their cycling training. Scroll down for photos!

Have a great weekend Maple Class!


Bikeability Group 3

Roman Cup Year 6

Week beginning Monday 7th November 2022

This week Maple class have explored short division in maths, including writing their remainders as fractions and decimals. I have been really impressed with all of their efforts. We have also enjoyed learning more about animals and plants that we find in a desert biome. On Wednesday, we visited the new library and Maple Class enjoyed perusing the fantastic variety of books on offer! I hope you all enjoy reading your new texts Maple Class! :)


Friday 11th November - Well done to the second group of children who set off on their Bikeability session today! Scroll down for a photo!

Bikeability Group 2

Miss Jarrett showing Maple Class the new library

Friday 4th November 2022

We have had a very busy day in Maple Class today! Some of Maple have started their first Bikeability session and the instructors have all commented on their excellent behaviour.  Well done. (Scroll down for a photo!) We were also visited today by Rob Biddulph, who officially opened our library. This morning, we all had a go at one of his 'Draw with Rob' videos and here are our final drawings. We hope you enjoy! :)

Rob Biddulph - Draw with Rob

Bikeability Group 1

Week beginning Monday 31st October 2022

We have had a fantastic week back after the half term break. Maple Class have been busy exploring division methods in maths and they have been introduced to their new class text (Arabian Nights - Tales from 1001 Nights) in reading. This half term, in computing, we will be designing our own healthy lifestyle app and, already, the children have voiced some amazing ideas. 


Well done Maple Class! :)

Week beginning Monday 17th October 2022

I have been really impressed with Maple Class so far this week. They have all been working hard on multiplying 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers using long multiplication. We have also enjoyed writing our non-chronological reports about our own lizards (inspired by the class text- Holes). On Tuesday, I received some fantastic postcards from the desert as part of our geography lesson exploring biomes! 


Well done for another great week Maple Class. I hope you all have a well-deserved break over half term. :)

Maple Class Displays

Week beginning Monday 3rd October 2022

This week in Maple Class we have worked hard to explore properties of number including factors, multiples, prime numbers and square numbers. In English, the children have enjoyed writing their own stories inspired by our class text (Holes). You will find these stories on display in the classroom. We have also learned all about William Harvey (a famous scientist) and enjoyed researching all about him using the Chromebooks. 

Week beginning Monday 26th September 2022

It was a pleasure to take Year 6 on the residential last week. They were all incredibly well-behaved and were excellent role models for the school. Well done Year 6 - I am very proud of you all!


This week in English, we have enjoyed writing our own stories with a focus on describing a setting. In maths, we have reviewed written methods for addition and subtraction. The children have also continued to explore the class text - Holes  by Louis Sachar and there have been some excellent predictions and discussions in class. 

Week beginning Monday 5th September 2022

The children have started the new academic year brilliantly! Mr. Verlinden and I have been really impressed with Maple Class' attitudes, efforts and enthusiasm towards their new learning. Please feel free to drop in on a Monday after school for our 'At Home Evenings'. These will be an opportunity for you to come and see your children's work informally and look at the classroom space too. 
