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Oak Class

Welcome to Oak Class

Classteacher: Mrs. B. Watts

Friday 31st March 2023

What a busy week we have had in Oak Class! The two evening performances of Robin and The Sherwood Hoodies were amazing. The children have worked so hard on this over the last half of the term and we were incredibly proud of all they have achieved. Your children were wonderful.

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been learning how to write instructions. As part of this, the children wrote a set of instructions on how to make a jam sandwich. These then had to be followed by a partner. The children learned a lot about the importance of giving clear, precise instructions. I have taken some photos and included these below so that you can see exactly what I mean. 

I hope you all have a lovely Easter break and I look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday 18th April. 


Making Sandwiches

Thursday 23rd March 2023


We are having our final rehearsal tomorrow in readiness for our production of Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies. The children are very excited to share this with you. You should have already received our letter regarding final arrangements for next Tuesday and Thursday. Please make sure that you bring your children back to school on both evenings at 6.30pm. If you are not watching the performance, please can you collect them just after 8.30pm. I realise that these evening performances are very late and will result in the children not being able to go to bed at their usual time. Please feel reassured that we recognise that they will be a  little tired and that our activities during the school day will be planned with that in mind. I look forward to seeing you all next week. The children have all worked incredibly hard to learn their lines or the accompanying songs and actions and I know that you are going to be really proud of them all. 


Thank you


Mrs. Watts

Friday 17th March 2023


It is has been a VERY BUSY week in Oak Class. The children have worked hard to finish their chariots and these now look amazing! Mr. Rands and I have been impressed with how well the children have picked up the skills taught, such as measuring , sawing and glue-gunning materials together.  Some children have brought their chariots home today whilst others are on display in the classroom. 

I have included photographs below of all the finished pieces. Please take a look. 


Thank you


Mrs. Watts 

Roman Chariots

Thursday 9th March 2023


It has been another busy week in Oak Class. The children have been learning to measure accurately using mm, cm and m. We have also continued to work on our Roman chariots and these are progressing well. You will have recieved a note regarding costumes for our production of Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies. Please do not worry if you do not have exactly what has been suggested on  the note. These are just ideas and you can adapt as needed. Please do not go out and buy anything especially for this performance. If your child is a villager (including all Year 3 children), they can wear anything which looks as though they may be living in the countryside in this time. It can be floral, stripy, spotted or block colours such as green, brown etc. They can wear leggings, tights and shirts, denim, corduroy, skirts, trousers or even dungarees. All we ask is they do not wear sports kits, hoodies or football strips. 

We appreciate your help with this. If you have any queries, please catch us on the playground for a chat.


Thank you

Friday 3rd March 2023


The children looked fantastic as they dressed up to represent their chosen words for World Book Day. Thank you for taking the time to support them with their outfits. I have included some photos so that you can see how great everyone looked. We have been working on calculating perimeter this week and the children have picked this up really well. We have also been continuing to make our Roman chariots and these are coming along nicely. 


Friday 24th February 2023


This week, we have been finding the difference between amounts of money and calculating change. We did this using counting up. I have drawn some examples for you to look at so that you can support your child if they need a little more practice. 


Have a lovely weekend.

Counting Up Method

Friday 27th May 2022


The children have worked very hard this term and continue to produce some beautiful pieces of work across the curriculum. It has been lovely to be able to welcome so many of you into the classroom on Wednesdays and share your children's work with them. For those of you that are not able to do this, I have taken some photographs of the latest display related to our text, 'Ice Palace'. Please take a look below.

The children have really enjoyed our Jubilee celebrations and learning about the royal family. I have taken photographs of our party so please take a look. It was a lovely afternoon and the children were beautifully behaved. 

The Year 4 children will be bringing home a letter about the Multiplication Check which will take place after Half Term. Please keep a look out for this and continue to encourage the children to practise their x tables over the coming week. 


I hope the weather is kind to us and that you all have a lovely week.


Mrs. Watts 




Take a look at how fabulous Oak Class looks!

Oak Class

Jubilee Celebrations

Friday 22nd April


The children have returned to school with such a fabulous attitude towards their learning. We have begun to work on unit and non-unit fractions and they are picking this up well. We have begun our unit of work on writing stories, with a focus on action. The children wrote list poems and turned these into prose and I was really impressed with the quality of their writing. I look forward to being able to share this with you soon. 


Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Watts


Friday 1st April 2022


Please take a look at the movies which the children have made. They worked really hard to show you all how to  make the parts of the Iron Man. They had to work in groups to make the parts, upload the photos and edit the movie. This included adding narration. You will find these under the 'children' tab and then 'video centre'. 

Friday 1st April 2022.


April Fool's Day - Break the Rules Day!


Take a look at our wonderful photos below. Thank you to all those parents and carers who donated money to this P.T.A. event. It is very much appreciated.


The children have worked very hard this term and can now look forward to a well-earned break. Please just continue to hear your children read over the holiday and to support them in practising their times tables. Have a lovely Easter break. 


BREAKING NEWS.............

Don't miss our fantastic news reports over on the Video Centre. We hope you enjoy them!

(The Video Centre is on the 'Children' tab.)


World Book Day


What a fabulous array of words we have seen today! The children looked amazing and their vocabulary choices were really impressive. Well done to parents and children alike. 


World Book Day

Wednesday 2nd March 2022


This week, we have been working on comparing amounts of money and finding change. We have done this on a number line and used counting on. This can be rather difficult and some of the children have found this very challenging. I have included an example below so that you can see the methods which we have used. Please support your child by practising this with them. The children are also bringing a paper copy home on Friday, but I wanted to give you the chance to look at them before then. 


I hope this is helpful. 


Mrs. Watts 

Finding change

Friday 25th February 2022


The children had a fantastic time playing squash on Thursday. They behaved beautifully too and were a credit to the school. We took lots of photos which I have attached below. Please take a look. 

Year 3

Year 4

Thursday 10th February 2022


As part of our work on Judaism, the children have been learning about the significance of the Torah Scroll to Jewish people. They learned lots of facts about this and enjoyed making their own. Please take a look at the photographs and see if you can work out what has been written. You may find this tricky!


The children have worked hard in all areas this Half Term and now deserve a well-earned break. I would just ask that you continue to encourage your child to work on their times tables over the coming week and to continue to read aloud to you at least three or four times. 


Thank you for your continued support.


Torah Scrolls

Thursday 3rd February 2022


We have been working on division. I have included a picture of the methods we have been using so that you can reinforce this at home if you wish. It has been very evident when the children's times table knowledge has prevented them from easily using the methods and they have had to be provided with a times table square to support them. Please continue to support your children with learning their times tables. They need to know all x tables up to 12 x 12 and all associated division facts. 

Thank you.

Division Methods.

Thursday 3rd February 2022


As promised, I have added some photographs of our finished display of the children's moving monsters. The children all worked so hard on these and thoroughly enjoyed the lessons. I am very proud of all of their effort and the finished pieces. 

Moving Monsters!

Thursday 13th January 2022


We have been working on multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. Some of the children have found this tricky so I have attached a photograph of the three methods which we have been using to enable you to work on this at home. The children will also bring home a paper copy of the methods tomorrow. I hope you find this useful. 

Methods of Multiplication

Wednesday 12th January 2022


The children have worked hard to complete their Iron Man figures and assembled them using split pins. They also made a circuit to enable them to insert bulbs as eyes. I am SO impressed with their finished work and have taken lots of pictures so that you can see what they have been working on. 

Iron Men

Friday 7th January 2022


Happy New Year to you all.


It was lovely to have all of the children in school this week and we have had a great start to the Spring Term. We have begun work on our Design and Technology unit which is linked to our text, Iron Man. The children have been exploring mechanisms which they can incorporate to give movement to their Iron Man figures. They have made levers and linkages and have thoroughly enjoyed working on this. I have taken a few photographs of the children working and will do so again once they figures are fully assembled. 


Have a lovely weekend. 


Making linkages and levers.

Friday 19th November 2021


We have been working on addition and subtraction this week, including calculations which require an exchange. This can be a tricky concept for the children so I have included a photograph of the methods taught in school. The children have also been given a copy to bring home so that you can work on this together if you wish. Feel free to catch me on the playground if you want to talk this through.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Addition and Subtraction

Friday 5th November 2021


We have begun to explore our new class text, The Invention of Hugo Cabret. We have looked at the wonderful illustrations in the text and have tried hard to recreate similar images using photos based around eyes and creating emotion. I have included some below for you to take a look at. 



Photos inspired by The Invention of Hugo Cabret.

Friday 8th October 2021


Today, we have begun to look at the parts and function of the human digestive system. We explored this by making a digestive system out of tights and looking at the process from putting food into our mouths until it leaves our bodies via the anus. Please take a look at the photos on the document below and ask your children to talk you through each stage of the process. They absolutely loved the lesson!

Please open the document and take a look at our photos.

Wednesday 29th September 2021


In Art, we have been looking at overworking the tie-dyed fabrics we made earlier this term. Our work was inspired by the work of William Morris and Banksy. Because of this, our finished pieces incorporate both floral and stencil  designs. We have linked these to our class text, The Firework-Maker's Daughter. I have taken some photos so that you can see just how beautiful the children's work is.