Redwood Class
Welcome to Redwood Class
Classteacher: Mrs. M. Lewis
Wednesday 25th May 2022
It has been lovely to be able to welcome so many of you into Redwood Class on Wednesdays. I hope you have enjoyed seeing all of the children's fantastic work. For those of you that have not been able to do this, I have taken a photo of the latest display related to our text, 'Ice Palace'. Please take a look below.
The Year 4 children will be bringing home a letter about the Multiplication Check which will take place after Half Term. Please keep a look out for this and continue to encourage the children to practise their x tables over the coming week.
Have a lovely week.
Mrs. Lewis
Wednesday 25th May 2022 Ice Palace
Monday 25th April 2022
The children have returned to school with a brilliant attitude towards learning. In maths, we have started to look at unit and non-unit fractions. In English, we have begun our unit of work on story writing. In this unit, there is a focus on action. Last week, the children wrote list poems and turned them into prose. I was so impressed with the quality of their writing; they should be very proud of themselves.
Mrs. Lewis
Friday 11th February 2022
Over the last few weeks, the children have been looking at different types of printing. They created some beautiful feather-like designs using string, paint and coloured paper. I have put some photos of these below so you can see how lovely they are!
Have a wonderful break! I hope you all have a well deserved rest.
We have begun to explore our new class text, The Invention of Hugo Cabret. There are some beautiful illustrations in the book and we have tried to recreate them. We took photos and we focused on how facial expressions show different emotions. I have included some below for you to take a look at.
Friday 15th October 2021
In Art, we have been looking at overworking the tie-dyed fabrics we made earlier this term. Our work was inspired by the work of William Morris and Banksy. Because of this, our finished pieces incorporate both floral and stencil designs. We have linked these to our class text, The Firework-Maker's Daughter. I have taken a photo so that you can see just how beautiful the children's work is.