Cedar Class
Welcome to Cedar Class
Classteacher: Miss F. Rodgers
WB 6th June 2022
Welcome back everyone!
It has been wonderful watching the class get right back into the swing of learning on the first week of our FINAL term in year 2 - we cannot believe it!
This week, we have begun planning, designing and creating our Tudor houses in DT, linking to our history topic of The Great Fire of London.
The children have had enormous fun, looking at how these houses were made and why they were not durable during the fire.
WB 25th April
We have really enjoyed continuing with our learning about money this week! The children have become mathematicians and can make all different amounts using a variety of coins and notes. I have been super pleased with their resilience and hard-working attitudes to their learning as this can be a tricky objective.
We are continuing next week with money but this time finding change from a whole amount!
WB 28th February 2022
This week we have been expressing our creative side in art.
We began by exploring different ways to make marks and demonstrating using a variety of objects to paint with. We then looked at an artist called Franz Kline who is an abstract artist. A lot of Kline's work is very bare and empty but represents his emotions. As a class, we looked at what emotions we thought Kline would of been feeling when we created his pieces.
Kline used to listen to hot jazz music when he was in his creative element, so that's what we did! We picked 4 emotions to represent through abstract art, using our favourite object to make marks with.
Inspired by Franz Kline
World Book Day March 3rd 2022
Come dressed as your favourite word!
Thank you to ALL children who put so much effort into their costumes :)
WB 25th February 2022
This week the class have LOVED exploring, planning and creating their own moving picture.
We have spent the week looking at sliders and pivot levers, testing out the best mechanism and then creating our own. The designs and final products are amazing!
Thank you very much for the donations for our next DT topic so far
DT - Moving Pictures
WB 5th January 2022
Welcome back!
We hope you all had a well deserved and rested break amongst all the festivities!
This week we have been creating our brand new big art display, focusing on our new Big Reading text - Think of an Eel.
Cedar class absolutely LOVED learning about eels and their fantastic lives - ask them a fact about eels and see how amazed you will be!
We are really looking forward to this term and what exciting learning we have planned :)
Miss Rodgers, Mrs Gladman and Mrs Wade x
Creating our display
WB 15th November 2021
What a busy week in Cedar class!
We have been very practical in maths this week, as we have been adding 2 2-digit numbers up to...100!!
After learning how to do this with many different methods, we decided that the best way was to...
Partition the tens
Then partition the ones
Then add the answers together!
We used dienes cubes to support our learning with this and we finally got it!
Well done Cedar class :)
Thursday 11th November 2021 - Remembrance Day
To commemorate Remembrance Day in Cedar class, we each produced our own poppy collages. We spoke about the meaning behind poppies on Remembrance Day and why they are important. We then discussed how to make our poppies individual to their size and shape. Finally, we carefully used our collaging skills to produce our own display of poppies!
Here are some photos of us in action :)
Remembrance Day Activity
Week Beginning 1st November 2021
What a fantastic week we have had back in class! It has been lovely to hear about all the wonderful things all children got up to in their well deserved week off.
This week we got straight back into our learning by introducing our new model text, Jack and the Beanstalk. Cedar class were FANTASTIC at practising and performing this, they even shocked Miss Dandy with how excellent they were!
Here are some photos of Cedar class in action:
Week Beginning 11th October 2021
This week in PE, the children have been practising their team work skills.
They thoroughly enjoyed a variety of activities across the week where they had to work together.
This was a fantastic opportunity for many children to work with other peers who they may not usually choose to and the outcome was brilliant!
Well done Cedar class :)
PE this week
Week Beginning 4th October
This week we have learned our VERY first text map of the year! Our focus is recount and talking about past events.
Our model text is in the form of a letter from Goldilocks to Baby Bear, apologising and recounting all the crimes she committed when she broke into his house.
The whole class have worked incredibly hard to practise and learn these actions and the end result has been fantastic!
Well done Cedar Class :)
A HUGE well done to Cedar's very own Austin who broke a World Record as the youngest person EVER to perform a back flip on a scooter.
We are super proud and amazed by Austin's achievement.
Well done Austin!
WB 20th September 2021
Our focus text this term is 'Revolting Rhymes' by Roald Dahl. As the book is made up of many different stories, we have chosen to look at Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
This week we used our retrieval skills to answer questions about the text. We each had a card which said 'true' on one side and 'false' on the other. We had to listen to the question being asked and use the text to help us retrieve this information from the text, to determine whether the answer was true or false!
We had a lot of fun working with our partners and discussing the story together.
Big Reading Retrieval Lesson
WB 6th September 2021
Welcome back everyone!
It has been a brilliant week in Cedar class. Mrs Wade, Mrs Gladman and Miss Rodgers have had a fantastic week getting to know our new Cedar class.
They have been super busy showing us their hard-working attitudes and positive attitudes to their learning. We are all so excited for the next year, seeing all the children grow and flourish in year 2!
Have a wonderful weekend :)