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Beech Class

Welcome to Beech Class

Classteacher: Miss A. Lee

Welcome to Beech Class!

Friday 12th July 2024 

This week the children have been spending time in their new classes and getting to know their new teachers. They took part in a range of different activities and enjoyed meeting the other children in their classes. 


Thank you to everyone who came to our Exhibition Evening last night. We hope that you enjoyed having the opportunity to look through your child's work and seeing all of the lovely displays in school. 


Please continue to support your child with learning their times tables as well as the related division facts.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lee 

Friday 5th July 2024 

In Maths, the children have been reading and plotting coordinates on a grid. They have also been translating shapes on a coordinate grid. We are continuing to revise all of our times tables as well as the related division facts. 


In English, the children planned and wrote up their own explanation texts based on the class text, 'The Longest Night of Charlie Noon.' The children did an amazing job and were able to tell me lots of reasons why it was not a good idea to go into the forest. 


Have a good weekend, 

Miss Lee 

Friday 28th June 2024 

Thank you to everyone who came along to support their child today at Sports Day. The children all behaved brilliantly and did an excellent job at all of the different activities. 


In English, the children have been planning their own explanation texts based on their knowledge of 'Krindlekrax.' They did a great job of thinking up reasons why you should not visit the sewer! 


In Maths, the children have been exploring bar charts, pictograms and line graphs. We will continue to explore the 2x table through to the 12x table next week as well as the related division facts. 


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Lee 

Friday 21st June 2024

In History, Beech learned about the ship burial at Sutton Hoo. The children explored a variety of different artefacts and considered what they could tell us about Anglo-Saxon life and culture.


In Maths, we have been exploring 12 hour digital time as well as 24 hour time. Some of the children found this a little tricky and would benefit from more practice at home. Next week, we are continuing with exploring all of the times tables from 2x up to 12x. 


Just a reminder that the PTA Summer Fair is tomorrow from 12pm until 3pm.


Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lee 

Friday 14th June 2024 

This week the children have been busy completing their Summer Term assessments. The children all worked very hard.


In History, Beech Class have been learning about how the Anglo-Saxons have influenced some of the place names in Britain. They have also been learning about everyday life in an Anglo-Saxon village and the different types of jobs that were carried out. 


Please continue to support your child with learning their times tables. Next week we will be exploring all of the times tables from 2x up to 12x as well as the related division facts.


Have a good weekend,

Miss Lee 

Friday 7th June 2024 

This week Beech Class have been learning to tell the time on an analogue clock. We revised o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We then looked at telling the time to 5 minute intervals past the hour e.g. 10 past 6. Please continue to support your child with this as home as they need to be able to tell the time to 1 minute intervals past the hour.


In English, the children planned their own information texts based on the discovery of a new creature by Shackleton and his crew. The children worked really hard to include features of the text type. 


Please continue to support your child with learning their times tables as well as the related division facts. 

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lee 

Friday 24th May 2024 

Beech Class have been very busy this week. In Maths, the children have been finding the area of  2D and rectilinear shapes. Please continue to help your child with learning their times tables. We will be focusing on our 7, 8, 9 and 12x table when we come back after Half Term. 


In D.T, the children have been exploring simple circuits. They have also been investigating different objects to find out if they were conductors or insulators. 


Have a lovely Half Term, 

Miss Lee and Mrs Reed. 

Friday 17th May 2024

In Maths, the children have been finding the perimeter of a variety of different shapes. We will continue to focus on our 6, 7 and 8x tables next week as well as the corresponding division facts.

In Geography, the children explored how to use grid references to locate places on a map. They also completed their P.O.P task and tried really hard to recall of the facts that they had learned about Iceland. 


Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lee 



Friday 10th May 2024

This week Beech Class have been measuring in cm, mm and m. They have also begun to recognise equivalent lengths. Next week we will be focusing on the 6, 7 and 8x table as well as the related division facts. 


In English, the children planned and wrote their own action stories, with a focus on dialogue. The children did an  amazing job and tried to include all of the features of the text type. Please come and see our stories at our next 'At Home Evening' on Wednesday.


Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine. 

Miss Lee 

Friday 3rd May 2024 

This week Beech Class have been continuing their Science work on light and shadows. The children have explored materials which are transparent, translucent and opaque. 


In Maths, we have been comparing amounts of money as well as solving problems involving finding change. Please continue to help your child with their times tables and the related division facts. We aim for all of the children to know their times tables from the 2x table up to the 12x table. 


 I am sorry that you have been unable to come in to 'At Home' for the last two weeks. This is because the Staff Meeting had to be moved, but everything is back to normal for next week.   


Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lee 

Friday 26th April 2024 


In Maths, we have been exploring amounts of money as well as finding totals of amounts. Please continue to support your child with learning their times tables, as we will be reviewing all of our times tables (2x up to 12x)  and the related division facts over the next few weeks. 


In English, the children have been learning to use speech to move the action along and show how a character is feeling. They have also been exploring how to create an interesting story opening. 


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Lee 

Friday 19th April 2024 

It's been a busy week in Beech Class. In Maths, the children have been dividing 1 and 2 digit numbers by 10. We will be continuing to work on the 9x table next week as well as the related division facts. 


In English, the children have been text mapping our new model text. They have also been enjoying reading 'Skackleton's Journey' which is about the adventures of Shackelton and his crew and their attempt to cross Antarctica. 


I have included the Knowledge Organiser below so that you can see what we are learning about this term. 

Quick reminder that Beech Class have PE on Tuesdays and Fridays this term. Please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit in school. 


Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lee 


Thursday 28th March 2024 


Beech Class have been working hard this week. In Maths, the children have been learning how to write hundredths as decimals. They have also been adding decimals as well as representing calculations using a part-part-whole model. Please continue to support your child with practicing their times tables during the Easter holiday. 


In Art, the children have been impressing different colours of clay and created tiles based on the class text 'Krindlekrax.' 


The children were amazing in both of their performances of 'What's the Crime Mr Wolf?' Thank you for all you help and support with costumes and helping the children to learn the song words.


Enjoy the Easter holiday and hopefully some warmer weather.

Miss Lee and Mrs Reed. 

Friday 22nd March 2024 

In English, the children have been using a sentence of three to describe a character. They have also been punctuating simple speech accurately.


In Maths, the children have been counting in tenths up to and beyond 1 and have also been comparing numbers with tenths. Next week the children will be reviewing their 9x tables and the related division facts. 


The children have been given a letter this week with information about the final arrangements for the production next week. 


Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lee 

Thursday 14th March 2024 

We will be having a dress rehearsal next Friday so we are now asking for all costumes to be in school by next Wednesday (20th March). If your child has a named part in our play, you will have already received a note informing you of what they need. If your child does not have a named part (Year 3 children), they will all be animals. They can be any animal they like, so will only need to wear a colour which is appropriate for the animal they choose. They could wear fleecy hoodies, their onesie or simply wear a coloured top and trousers/skirt. If you are uncertain, please speak to us on the playground and we can help.

We are all very excited to show you our production on Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th March. You have already been sent a tickets letter for this. Thank you for your support with this. 


In English the children wrote their newspaper articles based on the sighting of the space-bat-angel creature from 'The Iron Man.' The children then worked in small groups to present the news in the form of an episode of Newsround. 


In Maths, the children have been finding fractions of an amount as well as beginning to explore tenths. Next week, we will continue working on the 12x table and the related division facts. 


Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lee 

Thursday 7th March 2024 

Beech Class have been very busy this week. In Maths, the children have been converting between mixed number and improper fractions. They have also begun to identify equivalent fractions. Next week we will continue to work on our 12x table and the related division facts.


In English, the children planned their own newspaper articles based on the sighting of the space-bat-angel-dragon from the text 'The Iron Man.' They will begin writing up their articles next week. 


As part of World Book Day, the children enjoyed wearing their PJs to school and sharing their favourite books with their friends. 

Have a good weekend.

Miss Lee and Mrs Reed. 

Friday 1st March 2024


In English, Beech Class have been planning their own newspaper articles based on a sighting of the Iron Man. The children will begin writing up their articles next week. 

In Maths, the children have been describing amounts as fractions as well as beginning to add fractions with the same denominator within 1. Please encourage your child to practice their times tables and the related division facts. 

Just a reminder that Beech Class have PE on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school at all times and that they are provided with suitable clothing for outside activities. 


Have a good weekend

Miss Lee 



Friday 16th February 2024 


It has been lovely to talk to so many of you this week at Parents Evening. I have really enjoyed sharing all the progress the children are making with you and I hope you have enjoyed looking at their work.


The children have worked incredibly hard this term and have earned a rest! 


Have a wonderful half-term,

Miss Lee and Mrs Reed 

Friday 9th February 2024 

Beech Class took part in a variety of activities as part of Children's Mental Health Week. The children had a Makaton session with Mrs Richardson and really enjoyed showing off their signing skills. The children also completed a 'Proud Cloud', where they spent the week focusing on things they were proud of. 


Sycamore and Beech Class paired up to take part in a 'Walk and Talk' activity as part of the Daily Mile. The children all enjoyed making new friends and getting to know each other better. 


On Friday, the children took part in 'Dressed to Express' and really enjoyed letting their personalities shine! I have included some photographs for you to enjoy. 


Next week we will be continuing with the 3x and 6x tables and the related division facts. 


Have a good weekend,

Miss Lee 

Dressed to Express!

Friday 2nd February 2024

This week, Beech Class have been dividing a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number using their knowledge of partitioning. Next week we will revisiting the 3x and 6x table as well as the related division facts. 


In History, the children have been learning about the impact that the Romans had on our roads. The children have been exploring maps of Colchester in Roman times and comparing them with present day maps. 


Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lee and Mrs Reed. 

Friday 26th January 2024 

We have continued to work on multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number using the expanded method. Some children still need support to recall multiplication facts for a given times table calculation and were given a multiplication grid to use. Please continue to support your child at home with learning their times tables. They need to know all of their times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of year 4. We will be continuing to focus on the 6x table next week as well as the related division facts. 


In English, the children used their knowledge of creating suspense to describe a scary setting. We will be continuing to work on this next week. 

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lee 


Friday 19th January 2024 

This week Beech Class have been multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number using the expanded and compact method. We will continue to work on this next week. 

I have included photos of our DT display based on the class text 'The Iron Man.' The children used their knowledge of levers and linkages to make moving Iron Men. 

Please continue to support your child with learning their times tables. We will be focusing on the 6x table and the related division facts next week. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Lee 

Iron Man display

Friday 12th January 2024

Beech Class have had a busy week this week. In English, the children have been using adjectives and verbs to create a feeling of suspense. They have also been learning the new model text. 


In Maths, the children have been multiplying numbers by 1 and 0 as well as dividing numbers by 1. Next week we will be continuing to focus on the 3x table and the related division facts. Please support your child by encouraging them to practise all of the times tables that we have covered so far.


Please note that Beech Class now have PE on a Thursday. Please ensure that your child has a PE kit in class. 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Lee

Thursday 14th December 2023

Thank you to everyone who came to see our Christmas carol concert. All of the children were amazing and did an excellent job remembering all the song words and dance moves.

This week Beech Class have been busy developing their sewing skills in D.T as the children have been designing and creating their own Christmas tree decorations. We can't wait to show you our final product!

During the holidays please support your child by reading with them little and often as well as encouraging them to practise their times tables and the related division facts. We have been reviewing the 2x, 4x and 8x tables.

I hope that you all have a well-deserved rest!

See you in the New Year, 

Miss Lee and Mrs Reed. 

Thursday 7th December 2023 

Beech Class have been very busy this week. In maths, the children have been identifying horizontal and vertical lines as well as parallel and perpendicular lines. They have also been describing properties of 2D and 3D shapes as well as identifying angles less than and greater than a right angle. 

The children have been rehearsing their Christmas songs and are very excited to share them with you in our performances next week. Just a reminder that our performances are on Monday 11th December at 2:15pm as well as Tuesday 12th December at 7pm. Please remember to bring your ticket with you for the performance that you are watching. 

Next week we are revisiting the 2x, 4x and 8x tables as well as the related division facts. Please help your child to rehearse their times tables. 

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Lee 

Friday 1st December 2023 

In English, the children have been exploring the features of a recount in the form of a diary. They also enjoyed learning the new model text. 

In Maths, the children have been using their knowledge of rounding to help them to estimate answers to calculations. Next week, we will be recapping the 4x and 8x tables as well as the related division facts.


Thank you to everyone who attended our shared learning session  yesterday. The children did an amazing job sharing their knowledge of times tables and the different strategies that they use to learn them. 


Have a good weekend,

Miss Lee 

Friday 24th November 2023 

This week Beech Class have been subtracting 3 digit numbers involving an exchange. Next week we will be exploring the 4x and 8x table and the related division facts.

In English, the children wrote their character descriptions based on the class text. The children tried really hard to include adjectives and adverbs to describe the character, as well as including extra information about them.

In Science, the children have begun planning an experiment exploring the effect of sugar on our teeth. 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Lee  


Friday 17th November 2023 

In maths, the children have been adding 3 and 4 digit numbers with an exchange. We will continue to explore the 2x and 4x table next week as well as the related division facts. 

In English, the children have been writing up their stories with a focus on character description. They have tried really hard to include adjectives and adverbs to describe the main character. 

On Friday, the children raised money for Children in Need by wearing their pyjamas to school. I have included some photographs so that you can see how amazing the children looked.

The children have been given letters informing you about our Shared Learning session which will take place on Thursday 30th November. The focus will be on how the children are taught their times tables. Please ensure that your child brings their slip back into class so that we know who will be attending.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lee 

PJ's for Children in Need

Thursday 9th November 2023 


In English, the children have been using verbs and adverbs to show (not tell) how a character is feeling. In maths, the children have been adding and subtracting 1, 10, 100 and 1000 and have begun to solve missing number calculations. 

Next week, we will be working on the 2x and 4x table as well as the related division facts.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lee 

Friday 3rd November 2023 

Beech Class have been very busy this week. In English, the children have been working on developing a character description and using interesting verbs and adjectives to describe a character's appearance and how they move. They also learned the new model text and the accompanying actions. 

In Maths, the children have been adding and subtracting 1s and multiples of 10 from 3 digit numbers. This has included solving calculations with an exchange (e.g. 234- 8 = or 357 + 60 =). The children have been encouraged to draw place value grids using counters to help them solve the calculations instead of using formal written methods. 

Next week we will continue to work on the 8x table and the related division facts. Please can you ensure that your child brings their PE kit into school and that they are wearing a coat. 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Lee 

Friday 20th October 2023 

Beech Class have been working hard this week. In Maths, the children have been rounding numbers to the nearest multiple of 100 and 1000. 

In English, the children planned and wrote their own persuasive letters based on our class text. The children tried really hard to include features of persuasive writing in their letters such as rhetorical questions and emotive language. 

Please encourage your child to rehearse their times tables during the holidays. When we come back to school, we will be exploring the 8x table and the related division facts. 

Now that the weather is getting colder and wetter, please ensure that your child brings a coat to school everyday. For PE lessons outside, please can you check that your child's PE kit includes a warm jumper and a pair of jogging bottoms. 

Have a lovely week off!

Miss Lee and Mrs Reed 


Friday 13th October 2023 

Beech Class have been busy rounding numbers to the nearest multiple of 10 and 100. We are continuing to work on the 7x table and the related division facts.

In English, the children planned their own persuasive letters complaining about a naughty child and have begun to write up their ideas. 

In Geography, the children learned about how earthquakes occur. Thank you for the many donations of boxes. Please ask your child how we used them to recreate an earthquake. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Lee 

Thursday 5th October 2023

This week Beech Class have begun to explore the features of persuasive writing. The children enjoyed learning the actions to accompany the model text as well as generating their own rhetorical questions. 

In Maths, we have been placing 3 and 4 digit numbers between multiples of 100 and 1000. We have begun to explore rounding numbers to the nearest multiple of 10. Next week, we will begin to explore the 7x table. Please could you support your child with this at home. 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Lee 


Thursday 28th September 2023 

Beech Class have been working really hard this week. In English, the children planned and wrote up their own stories with a focus on settings. The children did an amazing job and tried hard to include features of the text type such as describing the weather and using the senses to describe the setting. In Maths, the children have been exploring counting forwards and backwards through zero as well as negative numbers. We will continue to work on the 4x table and the related division facts next week. 

In Art, the children have been exploring how to overwork tie-dyed fabric. The children were inspired by the work of William Morris and the stencils of Banksy. Their finished pieces incorporate both stencils as well as floral designs. I have included some photos of our displays so that you can view their amazing work. 


It was lovely to see so many visitors at our 'At Home' evening last night. 

Have a good weekend, 

Miss Lee 


The Girl of Ink and Stars Display

Friday 22nd September 2023

It has been a busy week in Beech Class. In English, the children explored using a pattern of three (3 adjectives) to add detail in their writing. They are also continuing with their work on developing a setting. In Maths, the children have been finding 1, 10 100 or 1,000 more or less than a given 3 or 4 digit number. This includes exchanging e.g. 7045 - 100. 

Next week we will be focusing on our 4x table. It would be helpful if you could practise this with your child at home. 

Have a good weekend,

Miss Lee 

Friday 15th September 2023 

Beech class have had a brilliant week this week. In Geography, the children have been learning all about tectonic plates and how volcanoes are formed. In English, the children have been using the five senses to help  them describe a setting. In Maths, the children have begun to compare and order numbers. Our focus for times tables next week is the 2 x table. 


Just a reminder that Beech Class have PE on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please remind your child to bring their 'Food Diary' to school on Tuesday 19th September. 


Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lee 

Friday 8th September 2023 


Welcome to Beech Class.

The children have settled in really well and they have enjoyed starting their new topics for the term. I have already been impressed by the art work that they have produced this week. In Maths, the children have been exploring the place value of 3 and 4 digit numbers. They have also begun to explore partitioning numbers in a variety of different ways. 


Please be aware that Beech Class have P.E on a Wednesday. Our times table focus is the 2x table.


Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lee 
