This week, the children have finished making their dragons and adding in their pneumatics. They look amazing and I have taken some photos for you to look at. We have also been working on coordinates. The children have been reading and plotting coordinates and translating shapes. Please continue to work on telling the time, with a focus on 24 hour digital time.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs. Watts and Mr Rands
Thursday 15th June 2023
The children have had another busy week. They have now written their balanced arguments where they discussed whether personifates (linked to Wildspark) should be given a second life or not. These were great and I was really impressed. It was lovely to see how confident they were to write what can be a tricky text type. In Maths, we have been focusing on telling the time using an analogue clock. We have looked at o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to the hour. We also worked on five minute intervals past the hour. Please could you work on this at home too as this will support their understanding.
I hope you all have a lovely (sunny) weekend.
Mrs. Watts
Thursday 8th May 2023
The children have all returned to school with a wonderful attitude towards their learning. We have been working on dividing 1 and 2 digit numbers by 100 and recognising half as a decimal. In English, we have continued our work on balanced arguments where the children have discussed the pros and cons of wearing school uniform. Today, some of the Year 4 children have taken their Times Table Check with Mrs Carter and the remaining children will do this tomorrow. Please continue to practise with them tonight as this will give them more confidence for tomorrow. .
Have a lovely, sunny weekend.
Thursday 26th May 2023
We have reached the end of another Half Term and the children have earned a well-deserved break. It’s hard to believe that when we return after the holiday, we are coming to the end of the year. The Year 4 children have yet to take the Times Table Check so please ensure that they keep up with their practice over the next week (if possible). I know some of you have holidays booked so please just do what you can. Please encourage them to use Times Table Rockstars so that they can type in answers. The check is done on a chrome book and the children get 6 seconds in which to recall the answer and type it in. Thank you for your help with this.
I hope you all have a lovely break and I look forward to seeing the children again on Tuesday 6th June.
What a fantastic week we have had. The children have all worked so hard and I have been really impressed with all they have done. I simply must tell you that your children were an absolute delight to spend the day with during our visit to the Science Museum. As you know, it was a very long journey and a very full day, but the children were incredibly well-behaved throughout the entire day. They loved the activities on offer at the museum and it was lovely to see them so enthusiastic and excited. It was wonderful to see them enjoying the interactive exhibits in the Wonderlab and sharing facts that they had found with the adults. They were a real credit to you as parents.
Mr. Rands took lots of photographs throughout the day and I have included them below for you to take a look at.
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Thursday 11th May 2023
We have been focusing on dialogue in stories and using it to move the story along. The children have written stories, with a focus on dialogue, inspired by our current text. They have worked really hard on these. In our R.E. lessons, we have been learning about Hinduism and the importance of the Trimurti.
Please continue to work on the times tables.
Thank you
Thursday 4th May 2023
This week, we have continued our work on fractions and have been calculating fractions of an amount. We then moved on to tenths and then tenths as decimals. In English, we have been working on accurately punctuating direct speech. We have looked at how to punctuate when the reporting clause comes before the speech and how this differs when it comes after. We have also looked at split speech and the fact that a new speaker requires a new line. The children are picking this up very well.
I am pleased to say that our corridor displays are now complete. Mr. Rands and Mrs. Patrick worked really hard to mount all of the children's beautiful work and the displays look wonderful. Feel free to come and look during our 'At Home' session next Wednesday. I have included some photos below too.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs. Watts
Thursday 27th April 2023
The children have worked really hard again this week. In maths, they have been working of finding equivalent fractions (on a fraction wall and by calculation too). In English, we have been working on punctuating direct speech, including split speech, and then using it to help move a story along. In art, the children have been exploring creating washes using watercolours and have created some fantastic finished pieces of work. These will form part or our corridor displays this term. I will let you know once they are all mounted and displayed.
Thank you to all of those parents and family members who joined us on Monday for our shared learning workshop. The children thoroughly enjoyed teaching you and sharing their understanding. I have included some photographs below.
Have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend.
Shared Learning
Thursday 20th April 2023
I hope you all had a lovely Easter break. The children have settled back in beautifully and have had a busy week. We have been working on comparing fractions with different denominators and have focused on their understanding of the concept that the higher the denominator, the smaller the fraction(parts). E.g. ½ is bigger than ¼ . We have also been finding fractions of an amount. We will be moving on to improper fractions and mixed numbers as well as equivalent fractions.
The children have also been practising the activities which they will be teaching you during our shared learning session on Monday 24th April. This will start promptly at 9.15am and will finish at 10.30am. They are very excited to share their learning with you.
Have a good weekend.
Friday 31st March 2023
What a busy week we have had in Oak Class! The two evening performances of Robin and The Sherwood Hoodies were amazing. The children have worked so hard on this over the last half of the term and we were incredibly proud of all they have achieved. Your children were wonderful.
Over the last couple of weeks, we have been learning how to write instructions. As part of this, the children wrote a set of instructions on how to make a jam sandwich. These then had to be followed by a partner. The children learned a lot about the importance of giving clear, precise instructions. I have taken some photos and included these below so that you can see exactly what I mean.
I hope you all have a lovely Easter break and I look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday 18th April.
Making Sandwiches
Thursday 23rd March 2023
We are having our final rehearsal tomorrow in readiness for our production of Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies. The children are very excited to share this with you. You should have already received our letter regarding final arrangements for next Tuesday and Thursday. Please make sure that you bring your children back to school on both evenings at 6.30pm. If you are not watching the performance, please can you collect them just after 8.30pm. I realise that these evening performances are very late and will result in the children not being able to go to bed at their usual time. Please feel reassured that we recognise that they will be a little tired and that our activities during the school day will be planned with that in mind. I look forward to seeing you all next week. The children have all worked incredibly hard to learn their lines or the accompanying songs and actions and I know that you are going to be really proud of them all.
Thank you
Mrs. Watts
Friday 17th March 2023
It is has been a VERY BUSY week in Oak Class. The children have worked hard to finish their chariots and these now look amazing! Mr. Rands and I have been impressed with how well the children have picked up the skills taught, such as measuring , sawing and glue-gunning materials together. Some children have brought their chariots home today whilst others are on display in the classroom.
I have included photographs below of all the finished pieces. Please take a look.
Thank you
Mrs. Watts
Roman Chariots
Thursday 9th March 2023
It has been another busy week in Oak Class. The children have been learning to measure accurately using mm, cm and m. We have also continued to work on our Roman chariots and these are progressing well. You will have recieved a note regarding costumes for our production of Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies. Please do not worry if you do not have exactly what has been suggested on the note. These are just ideas and you can adapt as needed. Please do not go out and buy anything especially for this performance. If your child is a villager (including all Year 3 children), they can wear anything which looks as though they may be living in the countryside in this time. It can be floral, stripy, spotted or block colours such as green, brown etc. They can wear leggings, tights and shirts, denim, corduroy, skirts, trousers or even dungarees. All we ask is they do not wear sports kits, hoodies or football strips.
We appreciate your help with this. If you have any queries, please catch us on the playground for a chat.
Thank you
Friday 3rd March 2023
The children looked fantastic as they dressed up to represent their chosen words for World Book Day. Thank you for taking the time to support them with their outfits. I have included some photos so that you can see how great everyone looked. We have been working on calculating perimeter this week and the children have picked this up really well. We have also been continuing to make our Roman chariots and these are coming along nicely.
Friday 24th February 2023
This week, we have been finding the difference between amounts of money and calculating change. We did this using counting up. I have drawn some examples for you to look at so that you can support your child if they need a little more practice.
Have a lovely weekend.
Friday 10th February 2023
What a busy Half Term this has been! The children are now ready for a well-earned break.
Yesterday, we took them all to the Garrison Gym to play squash on real squash courts. They absolutely loved it and their behaviour was impeccable. The two coaches both commented on how well-behaved they all were. I have taken some photographs so that you can see the children in action.
Have a lovely break
Mrs Watts
Friday 3rd February 2023
The corridor displays are complete! Mr. Rands and Mrs. Patrick have worked incredibly hard to mount and display the children's art work and I am sure that you will agree that it looks incredible. I am so proud of the children and the amazing work which they have produced. You will be able to come and see these next week when you come in for Parents' Evening. I look forward to seeing you then.
In the meantime, take a look at the photographs below.
Have a lovely weekend.
Friday 20th January 2023
We have had a very busy week in Oak Class. The children have been learning to divide using counters and by using partitioning. I have been really impressed by how well they have picked this up. We have also continued to focus on creating suspense in our writing. The children completed their 'warm tasks' today and I was AMAZED by how many features they had included. In science, we explored conductors and insulators today. Please chat to them and find out just how much they have learned! Well done, everyone.
After such a busy week, they all deserve a rest!
Enjoy your weekend.
Mrs. Watts
Thursday 12th January 2023
It has been a very busy week in Oak Class. The children have been learning to multiply 3 digit numbers by 1 digit using the expanded method. Everyone has done amazingly well with this and I am very proud of them all. We have begun work on our new story in English. We are exploring ways of creating suspense using a range of features. In Science, we are learning about electricity. We had a lovely lesson where the children explored circuits and made predictions as to whether they were complete or incomplete and then tested them to find out. I have included some photos below for you to take a look at. After such a busy week, I hope you all have a restful weekend.
Mrs. Watts
Friday 6th January 2023
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break. It has been great to welcome the children back to school and they have settled in beautifully. We have spent some time practising different sketching techniques and used these to draw metal objects. This links to our new class text 'The Wild Robot'. The children also had their first squash lesson yesterday which they thoroughly enjoyed.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs. Watts
Thursday 1st December 2022
It has been another very busy week in Oak Class. In maths, the children have been using their previously taught skill of rounding to estimate the answers to calculations. In English, we have begun to learn our new model text, which is a persuasive letter. The children have enjoyed creating persuasive arguments for Miss Griggs. As well as this, the children have completed various assessments and they have all worked incredibly hard. What a week! Well done to everyone.
Mrs. Watts
Thursday 24th November 2022
It has been another busy week in Oak Class. We have been working on column subtraction of 3 and 4 digit numbers, including those which require an exchange. The children have picked this up really well and the vast majority can now do this incredibly accurately. In art, we have been learning to marble paper using both marbling inks and chalks. We have also created beautiful prints which we linked to creating hiding place for the Butterfly Lion from our class text. As Christmas is fast approaching, we have also been singing in preparation for our Christmas concert. The children are doing so well with learning their lines and songs and we are looking forward to sharing this with you very soon.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs. Watts
Thursday 17th November 2022
In reading, we used drama to show how a character is feeling by the way that they say something. We discussed body language and facial expressions and how these are used to show emotions. The children acted out short extracts from our text 'The Butterfly Lion' and were able to beautifully demonstrate how Bertie, his parents and the lion felt. I have included some photographs of this activity.
Mrs. Watts
Drama to show a character's emotions.
Friday 11th November 2022
Today, the children have made a ‘Survival Stew’ for the islanders of Samson. We used seasonal vegetables which they would have been able to grow and some herbs which they could have dried. The children have learned to peel and chop using a variety of safe techniques. Please talk ask your children to share their techniques. They were absolutely amazing and really enjoyed the activity too. They have brought home a brief explanation and a list of ingredients.