Here are some stories, songs and other ideas to add a bit of French to your day. I hope you enjoy them!
Madame Vestey
YEAR 3-4
Here are the festive scenes created by Beech, Oak and Redwood. As usual, there was a constant flow of great ideas and the class artists did a fantastic job at putting it all together. Joyeux Noël!
YEAR 5-6
Here are the first stories of the year. Chestnut, Rowan and Maple, you were amazing. The acting and the sound effects were exceptional. Mean snowmen, a cool hot chocolate, a reindeer on a motorbike and much more. Perfect to get into the festive spirit. Joyeux Noël!
🎨 Les Couleurs d'Elmer (STORY)
I know you're a bit old for Elmer stories... yet it is a great way to revise your colours and learn some fun vocab: "I am white like a snowman", "green like grass", "red like the sunset".
Monica loves painting, but she has never painted a kiss before... What colour is a kiss?
Note: The word kiss in French is also used at the end of a message. Instead of "Love" or "x x x", we write "Bises" or "Bisous".
😀 Aujourd'hui je suis... (Emotions)
In order:
curieux - curious ..... nerveux - nervous ..... courageux - brave ..... timide - shy ..... émerveillé - amazed ..... triste - sad ..... furieux - furious ..... fier - proud ..... jaloux - jealous ..... amoureux - in love ..... en colère - angry ..... content - happy ..... confus - confused ..... satisfait - satisfied ..... peureux - fearful ..... sûr de moi - confident (sure of myself) ..... effrayé - frightened ..... surpris - surprised ..... morose - morose (when you feel blugh) ..... heureux - happy