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French with Madame Vestey


Here are some stories, songs and other ideas to add a bit of French to your day. I hope you enjoy them! 


Madame Vestey smiley


YEAR 3-4 

Here are the festive scenes created by Beech, Oak and Redwood. As usual, there was a constant flow of great ideas and the class artists did a fantastic job at putting it all together. Joyeux Noël!

YEAR 5-6

Here are the first stories of the year. Chestnut, Rowan and Maple, you were amazing. The acting and the sound effects were exceptional. Mean snowmen, a cool hot chocolate, a reindeer on a motorbike and much more. Perfect to get into the festive spirit. Joyeux Noël!

🎨 Les couleurs

🎨 Les Couleurs d'Elmer (STORY)

I know you're a bit old for Elmer stories... yet it is a great way to revise your colours and learn some fun vocab: "I am white like a snowman", "green like grass", "red like the sunset".

🎨 Pop mange de toutes les couleurs (STORY) + colour cards to print out

After the story you will find ideas of games and activities to do with the cards. They look great so I added the file below (ask your responsible adult for help if you'd like to print them out).

Colour Cards to print out (Check out the French joined-up writing!)

🎨 Toutes les couleurs (STORY)

🎨 Petit Poisson Blanc (Colours)

Petit poisson blanc is looking for his Mum...

Mamie Petronille et le pirate

Mamie Petronille et le ruban Jaune


Monica loves painting, but she has never painted a kiss before... What colour is a kiss?
Note: The word kiss in French is also used at the end of a message. Instead of "Love" or "x x x", we write "Bises" or "Bisous".

😀 Aujourd'hui je suis... (Emotions)

In order:
curieux - curious ..... nerveux - nervous ..... courageux - brave ..... timide - shy ..... émerveillé - amazed ..... triste - sad ..... furieux - furious ..... fier - proud ..... jaloux - jealous ..... amoureux - in love ..... en colère - angry ..... content - happy ..... confus - confused ..... satisfait - satisfied ..... peureux - fearful ..... sûr de moi - confident (sure of myself) ..... effrayé - frightened ..... surpris - surprised ..... morose - morose (when you feel blugh) ..... heureux - happy

Petit Poulet
