Birch Class
Welcome to Birch Class
Classteacher: Mrs. H. Love
Sports Day 2021
Well done Birch for being absolute stars this year! I am very proud of all of your hard work in a very tricky first year at school. Thank you to all of our families in Birch class for your support this year your children have been AMAZING!
I hope you all have a FANTASTIC summer and we will see you ready for
Year 1 in September!
Tricky word trucks
Our Proud Display!
Our Christmas Dance!
Our Classroom!
Run Run as Fast as you Can...
We made Colchester! 15/10/20
I'm sure you've been told LOTS that we were going to be building Colchester today...and we did!
The children ABSOLUTELY LOVED picking their favourite landmark in the town and used LOTS of boxes and odd bits and bobs to create these MARVELLOUS creations!
Have a look at Birch's version of Colchester below!
Birch's Recount
We wrote and internalised a text map telling the story of our building day. We used time connectives - see if you can hear them!
Our Classroom
Knowledge Organiser - Summer 2
Knowledge Organiser - Summer Term 2021
Knowledge Organiser Spring Term 2021
Autumn Knowledge Organiser
We are learning to master our maths skills, to help us truly understand the concepts of maths. Numberblocks is a fantastic programme that supports this and you can often get great resources in the CBeebies magazines!
If you want to find out more about how we pronounce sounds in phonics and how you can support your child with their learning at home, then check out the Alphablocks!
Wish your child would say more than "nothing" when you ask about their day? Try using these sneaky questions when you chat to them (borrowed from a parenting blog...too good not to share!).
Ever wonder which skills your children are learning through play? Here is a link that you might find interesting: