Larch Class
Welcome to Larch Class
Classteacher: Mrs. S. Skinner
Maya and Amiya's weather report
Cody and Tym's weather report
Stephen and Kareem's weather report
Noah & Charlie's weather report
Lina and Jerica's weather report
Felicity and Tanvi's weather report
James and Beau's weather report
Sophia and Milli's weather report
Roseanna and Lola's weather report
Oliver and Flora's weather report
Evann and Mira's weather report
David and Beau's weather report
Ciara and Harper's weather report
Arthur and Fynley's weather report
Exhibition Evening
What a busy week we've had in Larch class!
In English, we learned a new text about a polar bear who is scared of losing their habitat. We then used our text-map to write the text on Friday using lots of persuasive features including emotive language, questions and exclamations.
In maths, we have continued our learning about measuring. We have explored reading scales, measuring in grams and kilograms and comparing the weight and mass of objects.
Have a great weekend!
What an exciting week we've had in Larch class!
Everyone was very brave visiting their new classes for 'Class Swap' week.
We also had a lot of fun exploring the keyboard and typing on the Chromebooks.
This week, we have been looking at the height and length of objects around the classroom. We ensured we used the correct vocabulary e.g. taller or longer. Here are some pictures of us investigating length and height!
School Trip to Fingringhoe Wick
What an amazing day we had at Fingringhoe Nature Reserve this week!
We looked at three different micro-habitats and found different creatures that live in each one.
First we visited the pond and found damselfly larvae, water boatmen, beetles and small, jumpy shrimp.
Next we visited the meadow and found caterpillars, spiders and moth larvae whilst grass sweeping and tree shaking.
Finally we hunted for woodlice, worms and spiders under logs and branches in the woods.
Everyone had a wonderful day and worked well in their groups.
Well done Larch!
School Trip to Fingringhoe Wick
Shared Learning 23.05.2023
Our Summer Curriculum Overview
Monday 15th May 2022
We had a lovely week last week learning about time! We looked at 'o' clock, half past and quarter past the hour. We will continue to look at time this week. The last couple of weeks, we have also been printing in art lessons. The children have made some fabulous pieces related to the Fox and the Star.
Mrs. Lewis
'The Landlord's Cat' - December 2022
Friday 3rd February 2023
Larch class have worked so hard this week. They enjoyed solving simple problems involving division in Maths. In English, we have been creating suspense stories. The children generated their own characters and events in the story. We enjoyed designing healthy meals and making vegetable kebabs and sandwiches as part of 'Children's Mental Health Week'. I hope the children have a wonderful half term and a well deserved break. Mrs. Skinner
Friday 27th January 2023
We have had a very busy week in Larch class. The children have enjoyed solving problems involving multiplication. We have used arrays and grouping in order to help develop their understanding further. In History, we have been continuing to track the life of Queen Elizabeth II and the key events in her life. We have enjoyed exploring different artistic techniques in Art and we have produced some very impressive art work which takes pride on place on our classroom displays. Next week we will be celebrating 'Children's mental health week'. We have some lovely activities planned. Hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Friday 20th January 2023
Larch class have worked hard this week to innovate the story of 'Hansel and Gretel'. They created a word bank in order to generate different adjectives and verbs to include in the story. In Maths, we have been ordering and comparing numbers. We were able to count to at least 50 and identify numbers one more and one less. We had lots of fun in science, trying to change the shape of different materials. We also enjoyed weaving in Art. Have a lovely weekend.
Friday 13th January 2023
Larch class have worked really hard this week to text map the story of 'Hansel and Gretel'. The children added some excellent actions to help them to retell the story. In maths, we have been looking at the place value of numbers and counting to 50. The children have been exploring the theme of 'friendship' this week and which qualities a good friend would need to have. They completed some wonderful friendship posters. Well done! Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs. Skinner
Friday 6th January 2023
Happy New Year to all the lovely children and parents in Larch class. Thank you very much for all my lovely Christmas presents. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a well deserved break. The children have settled back well after the Christmas break. We had lots of fun deciding what our New Years resolutions would be. We enjoyed reading 'The Stinky Cheeseman' and we have produced some impressive 'Big Art' for our classroom. Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Friday 16th December 2022
Larch class have worked so hard this week. They have produced some wonderful instructions on how to decorate Christmas biscuits. I was so impressed with the imperative verbs they came up with. In maths, we have been identifying lines of symmetry in 2D shapes. The children enjoyed learning interesting facts about Jamaica. We also enjoyed making our own mini vehicles using wheels and axles. The plans they produced were amazing! We look forward to making our Christmas cards and calendars next week.
Friday 9th December 2022
What a lovely week we have had in Larch class. We are so proud of all the children in KS1 and their amazing performance of 'The Landlord's Cat'. All the children worked so hard to learn their words, dances and the songs. What an amazing show it was!
The children have worked hard to write their own set of instructions on how to make gingerbread men. We have enjoyed exploring 3D shapes and their properties in maths and the children drew some wonderful designs of wheelbarrows they would like to make in DT.
We had lots of fun decorating our classroom today. It is feeling very Christmassy now. Have a lovely weekend
Friday 2nd December 2022
What a lovely week we have had in Larch class. The children have really enjoyed writing a set of instructions of how to brush their teeth. They used numbered steps and diagrams, I was so impressed. In maths, we have been identifying and exploring 2D shapes. In geography we have been learning about the city we live in, Colchester and all the wonderful places we can visit. We have been working really hard to learn our words and dances for the performance. We can't wait for you all to come and see our show next week.
Friday 25th November 2022
What a lovely week we have had in Larch class. The children worked so hard to innovate their own stories, based around 'The Flower'. In maths, we have been subtracting numbers in groups of tens and we completed some tricky challenges. We really enjoyed learning about people who help us in the community and we drew some lovely pictures of nurses, doctors , policeman and the fire brigade. We have been working really hard to learn our lines and all our dances for the Christmas production. We can't wait for you all to see it next week. Have a lovely weekend.
Friday 18th November 2022
Larch class have had a lovely week. They worked really hard in maths to add within 100. The children enjoyed using varying sentence starters as well as adjectives and similes to make their writing even more interesting. We were scientists this week. The children thought carefully about the most suitable material to use to make a bridge, which would hold a weight. We had lots of fun exploring the suitability of a range of materials. We thought about the properties of each material, before deciding which was the best material. We had lots of fun today for Children In Need and all the children looked amazing in their costumes.
Friday 11th November 2022
Larch class have had a lovely week. They have enjoyed innovating 'The Snow Queen' story, adding their own adjectives, verbs and sentences of three. In maths, we have been subtracting within 50, using part/part whole methods. The children have been amazing mathematicians. We loved exploring different materials in science and we thought carefully about the different objects made out of a variety of materials. We produced some wonderful poppy pictures for 'Remembrance Day' by collaging them. They will look amazing in the children's topic books.
Friday 4th November 2022
What a lovely week we have had in Larch class. The children have really enjoyed learning the story of 'The Snow Queen'. We text mapped the story and added some wonderful actions to remember it. Today we wrote up the story from memory. Really well done Larch class. In maths we have been adding small numbers together, within 20. I am so impressed with their counting. The children really enjoyed learning about ways to keep clean and stay healthy. We have had a talk about firework safety and the children have created some beautiful firework pictures. The children are very excited about the official opening of our school library.
Friday 14th 2022
Larch class have had a great week and worked hard in all their subjects! They loved their PE lesson with Coach Dan and he commented on their enthusiasm and willingness to 'have a go'.
We have been working on counting in steps of 2 and 5 this week and we will continue to practise this next week.
Well done on a brilliant week Larch!
Friday 7th October 2022
Larch have had a super week! We have enjoyed learning a new model text on our journey to write an effective newspaper article and I'm sure you will agree from the photos below, we've had a lot of fun along the way!
We have been learning to count in steps of 10 in Maths this week and most of us are feeling really confident at this now!
Friday 30th September 2022
Larch class have had a lovely week. They worked really hard to write their own character stories using adjectives, adverbs and similes, in order to make their writing even more interesting. We had lots of fun comparing numbers in maths.
We enjoyed exploring everyday materials in science. We discussed the most suitable materials to use, to make different objects. We used some very impressive key vocabulary such as transparent, flexible, rigid and water proof. Well done Larch class. Have a well deserved rest this weekend.
Friday 23rd September 2022
What a lovely week we have had in Larch class. The children have worked so hard in maths to find one more and one less of numbers to 20 and beyond.
In English we have been creating character descriptions based around the story 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch'. The children used some wonderful similes and adjectives in their descriptions.
In Art we have been drawing sketches of fossils using colour and shading. We have also written some interesting facts about fossils. In PSHE, the children have been learning about the importance of being honest and telling the truth. We have had a wonderful week and the class have worked so hard.
Friday 16th September 2022
The children have loved text mapping the story 'The Lighthouse Keeper'. We added some lovely actions to help us to write up the story from memory. In maths we have been counting forwards and backwards to 50 and beyond. I was so impressed with the class' number formation, In phonics we have been developing our reading and decoding skills. We are becoming amazing readers!
In RE we have been drawing special people in our lives. We had a lovely chat about our family and friends. We have also produced some impressive art work which will look amazing on our class displays. The children have settled in so well.
Larch class have settled in really well. It is lovely to meet all the children and spend our first full week together. This term we are enjoying our new topic 'Stone Girl, Bone Girl'. We have created some amazing 'Big Art' which will look fantastic on our class display.
In phonics we have been learning phase 3 sounds and applying them in our reading and writing. We have had lots fun doing funky fingers too.
In History, we have been learning lots of interesting facts about Mary Anning and her fantastic fossil finds. We are looking forward to creating some rubbings of the interesting fossils Mary Anning found.
In science, we have been exploring every day materials and describing their properties. The children came up with some wonderful vocabulary to describe each material.
In English the children have really enjoyed learning the story 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch'. The children have text mapped the story and added some actions to help them to learn it.
We have an exciting week planned. We will update our class page again very soon.
Mrs. Skinner