Sycamore Class
Welcome to Sycamore Class
Classteacher: Mr. J. Knight
Sycamore Class 2022-23
Knowledge Organiser- Summer 2023
Tilly and Ava
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Shylah and Peta
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Olivia and Khadija
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Noah and Talal
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Joshua and Samuel.mp4
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James and Harry
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Jacob and Rebecca
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Isla and Floss
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Isaac and Thomas
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Hanusri and Sakuya
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Gabby and Karina
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Finley and Daniel
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What a busy week we've had in Sycamore class!
In English, we learned a new text about a polar bear who is worried about going extinct. We then used our text-map to write the text on Friday using lots of persuasive features including emotive language, rhetorical questions and exclamations.
In maths, we have continued our learning about measuring. We have explored reading scales, measuring in grams and kilograms and comparing the weight and mass of objects. We also started to estimate the weight of objects.
Have a great weekend!
Mr Knight
Bug hunting around the school
Sycamore have had a great week. We have worked incredibly hard, writing fact files for our favourite animal. Inspired by our trip to Fingringhoe, we went on a nature walk to see what living things we could find. We have also finished exploring different seasons and completed our season tree. Monday is sports day, can you ensure that your children have P.E shorts, a white top and suitable footwear.
Mr Knight
Shared Learning
Friday 19th May
What a busy week Sycamore has had. We started the week looking at symmetry in art. As a task, we had to paint one side of a butterfly’s wings. Come into class to see the butterflies flying around. In Maths, we have continued to tell the time, constantly practising o'clock and half past. In English, we have used all of our action toolkit to create some really amazing stories. I am so proud of Sycamore.
Friday 12th May
It has been a busy couple of weeks in Sycamore. We enjoyed the King's Coronation last week, it was great to watch a live performance from a band! This week, in Maths we have started to tell the time, see if your child can tell you when it gets to lunchtime? In English, we have continued our action stories and I was on the edge of my seat reading them! Finally, we continued our work on printing, taking direct prints of our hands and putting them straight into our sketchbooks.
Don't forget two important letters went home this week.
Have a great weekend.
Mr. Knight
Friday 28th April.
What an exciting week in Sycamore class! This week, we have introduced our new class text "The Fox and the Star” by Coralie Bickford-Smith. As well as learning all about our new text, we created art showing various scenes from the book. In Maths, we have continued to explore money by adding coins and notes together. In Science, we became botanists and identified leaves and trees in our school.
Have a great weekend,
Mr. Knight
Friday 21st April 2023
Welcome back!
You would not know that we have had two weeks off. Sycamore class have had a really busy week. We have started lots of new topics. In Maths, we have started looking at coins and notes and the values of each. We have started a very exciting action story all about a greedy dragon in English. In Art, we got very creative with printing and using stencils. We also started our work on Ancient Egypt, looking carefully through atlases to see if we could find Egypt on the world map.
Brand new KIRFs were also sent home this week.
Have a great weekend,
Mr. Knight.
Exploring money
What a busy week in Sycamore!
We have continued our work on fractions in Maths, looking at quarters of quantities and understanding that we need to split the quantity into four equal pieces. In English, we have started our work on discussion which has included a brand new text map. The children have really enjoyed learning this new text map all about the Big Bad Wolf and whether he should be sent to jail.
Have a great weekend,
Mr. Knight
The children have really wowed me this week. We have applied everything we know about diary entries to our writing about Officer Binky. They were so believable that I thought Officer Binky had actually written them! In Maths, we have started to look at fractions, in particular halves and quarters. If you wanted to practise at home, you could always try sharing in equal parts. In Science, we have measured our foot sizes to help us understand how we grow.
Have a great weekend,
Mr. Knight
24th February
What an action packed week it has been in Sycamore class! We have started to explore our new book, ‘Who Pushed Humpty Dumpty’ by David Levinthal. It has been great to put on our detective hats and try to solve the case. We have started our work on physical and human features in geography. It has been great to see the children build their own cities. In maths, we have completed our work on division and multiplication for now. The children have really amazed me with their use of vocabulary to get ready for their diary entries about The Stinky Cheese Man.
If you wanted to practise times tables, I have sent out logins for Times Table Rockstars this week.
Have a great weekend,
Mr. Knight.
This half term Sycamore have been very busy. We have started work on division, looking at sharing into equal groups. You could try sorting different objects into different equal groups at home. Our work on suspense has finished, the children had created some spine-tingling stories. I had to make sure I read them during the day!
The children really impressed me with their science posters, collecting everything they had learned about materials. Our work on history and travelling through the decades continues, most recently we have explored the 90s.
After half-term we are developing our work on fractured fairy tales, focusing on a brand new story.
Have a great break,
Mr. Knight
It has been a very exciting start of the new year in Sycamore class.
We have absolutely loved our new book "The Stinky Cheeseman," especially the cow with the very long tongue, they've even appeared on one of our display boards. In Science we have continued our work on everyday materials, looking at how we could change the shape of a material by applying a force. I have been very impressed with all the children and their hard work.
Have a great weekend,
Mr. Knight
It has been another busy week in Sycamore.
We have explored symmetry in 2D shapes and in real life, we had great fun drawing symmetrical shapes.
We also decorated Christmas biscuits, which we used as yummy inspiration for our instruction writing.
We also took on the role of engineers this week, as we designed and created functioning wheelbarrows. I have been really impressed with all the children in Sycamore this week.
Keep it up! Have a great weekend.
'The Landlord's Cat' - December 2022
I have been impressed with all the children this week. We have started to explore 2D shapes; the children have had great fun practically exploring shapes, especially looking at their properties, mainly sides and corners. In English we have begun to look at instruction texts, I was so impressed by their instructions on how to clean their teeth. I am very excited to look at our new text map next week, where we will be making something. We have also really enjoyed comparing Kingston in Jamaica to Colchester. The children have worked well in pairs to produce some lovely work.
Have a great weekend,
Mr Knight
It's been another busy week in Sycamore. The children have really impressed me with their setting descriptions. It has been great to see such an improvement, there were so many adjectives I lost count. We have also been working incredibly hard for our Nativity; we are almost ready for our dress rehearsals. In Maths, we have built on our knowledge of subtraction by taking away two digit numbers all the way to 100!
Have a great weekend,
Mr Knight
It has been another busy week in Sycamore. In English, we have used the Ice Queen story to make our writing even better. In Maths, we have continued building on our addition work expanding to numbers within 100. In Geography, we have been looking at our local area and the children have amazed me with their knowledge of Colchester.
We are practicing very hard with our Nativity, and becoming more confident. Just a reminder that costumes need to be in by the 25th November.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Knight
Building Bridges
It has been another busy week in Sycamore. Song rehearsals are well underway. We have learnt a new model text and have great fun learning about the Snow Queen. In Science, we became engineers to build our own bridges, we had lots of fun doing this.
I have changed our P.E slot to Monday and Tuesday, so when it gets colder we can still use the hall for P.E.
Have a great weekend,
Mr Knight
What an exciting start to the half term. We have started our new book, 'The Flower' by John Light and the children have enjoyed looking for Very Important Points(VIPs). In English we have started to explore setting, using the story "The Snow Queen" and we continue to practise our text map. We have even started to practise our Nativity songs ready for our Christmas production.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr. Knight
Friday 21st October
What a brilliant start to the year. The children have really impressed me this half term. This week we have presented our work on Mary Seacole and written our newspaper articles about Mary Anning. We even tried some really difficult Maths challenges with a hundred square.
I have also sent home P.E kits, if you find any kit that is not yours please return it.
I hope you all have a restful and safe half term.
Mr Knight
Friday 7th October
What a busy week in Sycamore class. This week we started our work as newspaper journalists, we reported on a Dinosaur coming to our playground! We are becoming more confident with our number work, counting in 10s all the way to 100. In History we have begun learning about Mary Seacole and the important role she played in nursing.
Please put names in all pieces of clothing.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mr Knight
Friday 30th September
What an amazing week! This week we completed our first big write. I was so impressed with all the children and the progress they have made. They have included the most amazing adjectives and verbs. Some even included fantastic similes. In Mathematics, we have enjoyed comparing numbers using mathematical symbols. We went on a material hunt this week for science, thinking about properties, especially looking out for transparent and opaque objects.
Please remember coats, as the weather gets colder. Have a lovely weekend.
Mr Knight
Friday 23rd September
The children have worked incredibly hard this week! We have continued to develop our place value and number skills in Maths, in particular one more or one less, which is also our KIRF’s this half term. In English we have been innovating our own stories using our model text as a guide. I have been really impressed with their creative adjectives and verbs. We have also enjoyed creating a whole class display, they have worked very hard on their presentation. Watch out for Ichthyosaurs and Plesiosaurs when you are next in school!
Mr Knight
It has been a very busy second week in Sycamore class. We have really enjoyed P.E this week, thinking about our fundamental movement skills. In English, we have liked exploring the Lighthouse keepers lunch. Especially the part where Hamish the cat eats sandwiches. We have started to use adjectives in our writing to make it even better. In Maths, we are becoming more familiar with manipulatives, we enjoy using tens frames to help explain our mathematical thinking. We took on the roles of historians this week as we learnt more interesting facts about Mary Anning one of the most famous fossil hunters.
Have a brilliant weekend!
Mr Knight
What a brilliant and busy first week we have had in Sycamore class! The children have been amazing this week.
They are settling in really well, getting used to working at tables. In Phonics, the children have wowed me with their phonics knowledge as we review what they did in reception class. In Maths, we have begun to explore number, linking practical tasks to our written work. We also started work on our addition and subtraction. In English, we are working on developing character and using this in our own stories. We learned our model text this week by text mapping it and all the children have loved using actions and pictures to support themselves.
In the afternoons we got very messy with a lot of glue, getting our class display of an Ichthyosaurus ready, linking to our Topic Book, Stone Girl Bone Girl.
I am so proud of the children this week, I am looking forward to next week and all of the brilliant learning we will achieve!
Mr Knight