Maple Class
Welcome to Maple Class
Classteacher: Miss N. Pender
Our Final Blog - GOODBYE MAPLE
It has been fun being in Maple this year. We have made lots of friends and are sad some of you are leaving.
We will miss all of you so we will say goodbye. We have learned lots of new things in this class like squash; lots of different sports events, poetry week and Young Voices. Sadly, we are all leaving this Maple and going to new schools or classes.
We will especially miss Miss. Pender and Mr. Velinden as they have helped us this year with our learning and have made it really fun for all of Maple Class. They are one of the best teachers we have ever had.
We have enjoyed all the lessons this year. Our favourite was DT - making flatbreads - this was fun because we got to try new types then eventually make our own and evaluated them. We also made some collages in groups based on the London Eye Mystery.
We hope we will see everyone again. Good luck in your new school and new classes. We can't miss you more than we already do. We have loved being in this class this year.
Goodbye everyone,
Blog written by Bethany Newell and Keenan Jackson
Our Second Blog - SATs Week
From Monday to Thursday (the days we did our tests) we were given the opportunity to go into school at 8am and have breakfast with our friends… It was very yummy! We were given the options of Coco Pops, Rice Crispies and many more (that was only for starters). After that, we were allowed to have toast with spreads of butter and jam. Delicious! For drinks, you could have water, blackcurrant or orange squash.
Monday 9th May
On Monday, everyone loved their breakfast but people were definitely anxious for the SPaG and spelling tests. However, it actually was not as bad as we all thought. We were feeling much more confident.
Tuesday 10th May
Tuesday brought us an hour-long reading test, which had 3 different texts to answer. We couldn’t ask the teacher for help at all! We all thought it was going to be tough but it wasn’t as hard as we thought it would be. Two days down two to go. Three tests down, three to go!
Wednesday 11th May
On Wednesday, we completed our first and second maths papers. Arithmetic (30 minutes long) and Paper 2 Reasoning (40 minutes long). It was a change as it was our first math test but everyone took it surprisingly well.
Thursday 12th May
This was our last test… WOOHOO! It was the Paper 3 Reasoning test (40 minutes long) everybody was super excited for the end because we would not have to do anymore tests in primary school. After we finished, we went out for an early break and were given ice lollies! It wasn’t too tricky after all.
By Joseph Stoker and Luca Rogers
Our First Blog!
Poetry Week
When Year 6 were on their residential, we had Poetry Week in Year 5 inspired by our class text at the time, ‘Cloud Busting’. It started on Monday 14th March and ended on Friday 19th of March 2022.
Poetry Types
During Poetry Week, we learned about four types of poems; these consisted of, haikus, limericks, blank verse poems and finally shape poems. Haikus are made up of three-line verses; the first and the last lines have five syllables and the second line has seven. Whereas, in limericks, the first, second and fifth lines have the same rhythm and rhyme and so do the third and fourth lines. Blank verse poems have ten syllables in each line in a regular rhythm. Shape poems make a related picture.
Our favourite Poet
Our favourite poet was Michael Rosen. He produces videos of his poems with hilarious actions on the internet for all to watch. He writes many different types of poems and our class’ favourite is called Chocolate Cake. However, lots of people also liked one of his poems called No Breathing.
By Emily Utting and Thomas Banks